This is the Message Centre for PenJen


Post 1


hi jen,

brief message: since i have little time: its 1:30 a.m. so if any of this sounds incoherent, you just have to deal with it.

how have you been? what's up?
thanks so much for coming by and reviewing all those poems, the old and the new. the sparkle and insight in your messages is truly special, your reviews are often far better than the poems themselvessmiley - smooch

got to go and hit the sack, so you take care and smiley - hug



Post 2


Great to hear from you, hon! Have mised you not being about lately. You must be really busy and probably burning out with all the travel and work. Hope you're getting ample time for yourself now?! 'Tis important, girll!

I'm just back up from my parents place where we had a mad, yet wonderful, family reunion of 60 over the w'end. It was also the first time in 2 years that my own immediate family were all together. A few tiffs and tantrums, but hilarious and memorable all the same. Even at an adult age of so-called maturity, it is so easy to revert back to that spoilt 9 year old and give back cheek, huff and storm off. Except now, when you're drunk at 3am, the dramatics are less forceful and the fall comes before the pride!! I actually DO have a few fresh bruises! What's new, eh? smiley - laugh

Also, GW may be producing an 'anthology' of some sort, whether on-line or in printed form this Aug/Sept. Check the convo link in the 'Round Table' under 'Word Play' called: 'GW Short story anthology proposal...' , or from my link in my convos. Is at bottom of my list on first page. (I do not know how to get the A******* link for it). I have posted a few comments on it. It sounds great if it takes off. Let us know what you think. Definately worth finding out about and pursuing. Is exciting too.

I'll be chatting with you later in the week I hope, so have a good one and take care. Can't wait to read all your fresh inspiring pieces soon! Take care, Kid!

smiley - magicsmiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueout


Post 3


i'm back for a week at least! it was incredible i was at bangladesh, where the floods are...and it was my first visit, didn't have to do a venice however, some of the roads were okay..however seeing a country even poorer than mine is quite an eye opener.

oh, the reunion, you describe it so well!smiley - smiley and now that you put the huffing and posturing into words, i know just how you mean. have that in my family too, although it is not as large as yours! only my dad's side to account for, my mum's family, we've done a smart thing: exported the entire lot to england: let that country deal with our rejectssmiley - smiley, but seriously, all my cousins live in england, so there is no fueds to speak of!!

hmmm, will check that thread out this week.

looking forward to catching up with you and lots of r and r at home.

smiley - smiley



Post 4


Good to hear you have survived and dropped back in here once again! Missed the wise wonder waltzing about! I'll be catching up on your recent creations later for sure.
Will there ever be a mad reunion of your own clan? Could throw you a few pointers, if you like and what not to do, say or eat when drinking! smiley - laugh

That particular thread has now switched to: Pay attention to post 14. A few have expressed an interest, so come join us. All other related convo's can be traced from individuals in that fold.

Hope you're tripping the light fantasico and chilling out! Will chat wit hyou soon. Have a lot of catching up to do as off the boards a wee while. (PC blew up on Fri, now fixed as you can see!)

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly


Post 5


just got into work and see all the messages...know you have been back here since y'day: can imagine how busy you must be with all the messages loading up your site!

so just a quickie before i get into the thick of things at this end.
life is good and well: busy with work and friends...lots of things in the offing, will let you know when they materialise.

in the meanwhile, enjoy this one: my sister sent it to me today, by email:

On a golf tour in Ireland, Tiger Woods drives his BMW into a petrol station
> > in a remote part of the Irish countryside.The pump attendant obviously knows
> > nothing about golf,greeting him in a typical Irish manner completely unaware
> > of the identity of the golfing pro.
> > "Top of the mornin' to yer, sir," says the attendant.
> > Tiger nods a quick "hello" and bends forward to pick up the nozzle.
> > As he does so, two tees fall out of his shirt pocket onto the ground.
> > "What are those?" asks the attendant.
> > "They're called tees," replies Tiger.
> > "Well, what on the good earth are they for?" inquires the Irishman.
> > "They're for resting my balls on when I'm driving," says Tiger.
> > "Feckin Jaysus," says the Irishman, "BMW thinks of everything!"

smiley - biggrin

later gator,

indiesmiley - smiley


Post 6


smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh BRILLIANT, if not a 'take the Mickey out of the Paddy'!!!

Here's another one: What do you call an Irish man with a car on his head? Rover.... OK, bad one that!

How are you anyway? You never seem to stop, Kid! How DO you do it? You must be on something! Sprinkle a little of that magical energy dust my way! Could do with a little furtive burst!

Have been busy too with work and socialising and it FEELS good!

I have read your latest too - Wow! You sure have one helluva prolific and provoking mind! Have held off comment as I want to think of it, let it stir my subconscious a little more, but I can say that it is one of the most probing and assertive pieces I've read on this site. Indie the messiah! (Who likes her smiley - bubbly too, no doubt!) smiley - winkeye

As for your little delights in the offering - I hope they are to your advantage. Keep busy and stay gold!

Speak again soon,

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - biggrin


Post 7


you have enough of that magical energy channeling every which way..what with all those all nighters.

well, my personal life suffers: haven't organised my finances or dusted the house like a good little woman in a long time...

glad you are kicking up the dust setting dublin alight with your ways!

messiahsmiley - biggrin thats a new one for me!!! been called worse, i guess...mostly a bitch, thoughsmiley - laugh

yup, i like a good glass of wine or two or three is my limit! smiley - bubbly stopped the meaner stuff about 4 years ago, decided to mellow with age and became a wine addict instead.

enough of me...what news at your end?



Post 8


Hi Indie,

I'm only here for a mo. I'm pretending to locate some stuff about some stuff for a stuffy customer (in the library). smiley - whistle...... It just takes SO long to find these things...
Anyway, it seems that my comments on your 'Expert Advice' poem have dissappeared, (?), read it last night, but I'll post a fresh other one later with a little chat too. Just so you don't think I've forgotten you. To be honest, I fell asleep at the PC and my partner had to remove this robot! Shameful, I know! Right - gotta go....
Later Messiah (he! he!). Have a cool day... have a few sips of vino and strut yer stuff! Will catch up with you later.

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly


Post 9



sneaky girl, though i'm hardly in a postion to comment on you: have been at this incessently: work is suffering as a result: but that's what tomorrow is for.

this www has been playing up: strange numbers get added to the post, must be a poltergeist somewhere...hmmm disappearing messages...where is ms. marple?smiley - smiley

how on earth do you do the all nighters here? is the partner becoming a purple park widower?

don't worry about my being forgotten...know you are a busy gal...and have lots of friends out here...take your time to chat, write, review whenever. real life is full of expectations, the last thing one needs is to feel the pressure here as wellsmiley - biggrin
and if i do want attention, i'm not above coming by and asking for it, so theresmiley - smiley

take care, hon, don't work too hard.

i'm off for a birthday party (some little kid's) and then a nighter with friends



Post 10


Hey Indie,

How was the kid's birthday party? Did they have a fun time, as did you? I always enjoy myself better at kid's parties as there seems to be MORE alcohol and laughs, seriously! It was my Godson's second birthday today too also and we're going to his party this Saturday. Can't wait! What am I going to WEAR, though! Decisions, decisions, pah! Will be a fashionable affair I assure you. All the mothers and aunts etc do really go all out for these kind of things. I'm NOT joking!

Anyway, you missed one helluva great party here last night! Me & Mrs Loo Roll got dressed to the nine's and flirted with disaster among other things! You can discover the naughty shenanigas yerself! (On the 'b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l' thread that little Miss Indie started herself!). Actually you got the whole idea rolling and then didn't show! Shame on you! smiley - laugh

Anyhow, 'tis the wee small hours and I really should be sleeping like a dog, (well, I can be a bit of a Bitch at times and a little terrier when need be!), but this blasted site has gone mental! Kept getting 'no member, sign in, not reconised...' and all that shite. It seems that this will ony be OK for about 5mins at a time. They must be working on the update they've been talking about. It just annoys me and I was hoping to catch up on some of my fave people tonight! (Did get you, looby & Kev thank-God!). And wanted toread loads, even throw in another poem, but that'll all have to wait. My enthusiasm and energy levels are dwindling...

It took about 30 mins for me to paste the comment, finally, on your 'Expert Advice' poem, but it got there eventually!

BTW, I hope that you didn't mind my long-winded post to your other poem. (I'm afraid to leave this page to find title as the BEEB might feck up the site again, and it is 6:41am. I have work at noon so will catch about a hour or two kip, (that's all I really need anyway!).

I'm going to go now. Finger's are tired and the dog has to go for a pee. So chat later.

Jen smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye


Post 11



its amazing isn't it: worlds apart, different cultures, but at the heart of it things are just the same.
i went in straight from work ( in a sari) and everyone was like: oh why have you dressed up? its unusual in my social circle to wear saris anymore...unless there is an i had to explain i just like wearing them and do them often at work. in fact, will miss dressing like an indian in singapore.

the gifts were carefully chosen, the food was delectable, the ladies well turned out, the kids on their most manic behaviour and the wine flowed.

but indie left to go over to another friend's girl talk and sleep over.

result: i missed both the virtual and the real smiley - bubbly last night. there's a loser for you!smiley - smiley

yes, its been a real pain getting on...especially when trying from work, bloody frustrating really. i gave up this morning. i hope the admin. is doing something about this, maybe i'll write in a complaint.

i treasure your response on my work...hope it will take me to a new level, if i can make that expect too much of mesmiley - smiley

sleep, girl, sleep'll burn out at the rate you go. however, you know best.

smiley - magic that you are!



Post 12


so the godson's to-do is this weekend. have you got your togs out? all aired and pressed...and those talons freshly polished? or will it be a nice thing...kiss the air next to the cheek etc. or the genuine thing? good hugs and fun all around?

enjoy yourself and then tell me about itsmiley - smiley



Post 13


Aha! smiley - biggrin

Have just finished reading all your replies - I'm smiling too! I'm so glad you didn't think I was being too picky etc.. Phew! Thank-God this site is working OK this eve, I'm only here for about 10 mins, just in from work and going out tonight to let the hair down (literary!), BUT will NOT get up to any of the carryon we endured in the 'beautiful' thread last night! I see that a few have made remarks on it. I blame LOOBY! She led this little inocent one astray, I swear!!! Please believe me!

AND you're moving to Singapore? Wow!! You must be SO excited, although it will be harder being away from family, no doubt. Are you currently based in India, for all the little time you get to spend there! Will that then mean that you will be less active on site too? smiley - sadface
Whatever the case, many Congratulations! And I bet you deserve the promotion more than anything! Well done, career madame!
As for the toddler do tomorrow - I will be wearing jeans and a 'nice' top, as I guess the more able and stable of us will slither off to the nearest bar! Feck the frills and two-toned dyed hair (kinda 'in' over here!) - Jen will remain as 'Jen-style', unique in it's own way yet not too scary or scruffy!
Have yet to wrap the wee man's pressie as I love looking at it and wishing it was for me! (A 'Winnie the Pooh' large clock, (not unlike the old-fashioned ones with the wee feet and big bell untop!), the complete set of Dr Seuss books, (of which I adore!), and 3 wooden handmade cars - too good to play with, I'd use them as decoration only!)

I know they'll be appreciated by both the Mum and Dad, never mind the birthday boy!

Anyway, gotta go - wanted on the phone! Plans for where we are all going tonight! It's been a while since I haven't had work on a Saturday, so will really live it up tonight, secure in the knowledge that I can have a lie-in & 2 painkillers, rising about noon!

(There's a parade, (political march), tomorrow in town and every year it creates tension and usually a few riots and the like. That is why most businesses will have shut shop tomorrow for fear of the worst. Have been caught up in the throngs of it over the years. Maybe I'll explain/elaborate about it another time).

ANYWAY, have a great w'end yerself and please make up for missing the smiley - bubbly last night!

Catch you soon (and that latest piece you've posted),

Slainté a chara,

Jen smiley - cheerssmiley - run


Post 14


smiley - bubblyhave yourself a great time tonight!smiley - alesmiley - magic

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