This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Mutual admiration society!!

Post 1


I see you've been having a bit of a read of my work so i thought I'd send you one big thank you rather than replying to each one.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and I feel a bit unworthy of your praise as I love your work and am a bit in awe of you!!
But thank you anyway, it's great to get good feedback and I am now grinning manically from all the good things you've said.
I see you've posted more so I'm off to have a read now.
Take care and keep writing
Luv Justeve xsmiley - biggrinsmiley - magic

Mutual admiration society!!

Post 2


The pleasure was mine, Justeve!
I endeavour to be honest and sincere in my opinion, the same I expect from other budding scribes. So I tell the truth of what I think. I have to read & review a lot of shite anyway, (one of my REAL jobs), so I know when I come across something good, bad and ugly. Criticism, both negative and positive is essential. Those that only wish to be showered with praise and don't give a puddle's splash about other's work do not deserve critiques.
I appreciate that you take the time to read my posts and I return the honour and I am greatly impressed by your work. SO, keep it coming and keep it up! Right back at ye, kid! Also many thanks, yet again oh wonderful one, for your witty comments. Us great minds, with similar madness and quirky streaks, gotta stick togevver!

Cheers! See you around!

PenJen smiley - magicsmiley - winkeye

Mutual admiration society!!

Post 3


Just posted smoething I thought you might like to read from the barmaids perspective - not sure about it myself but let me know what you think
Justeve xsmiley - biggrin

Mutual admiration society!!

Post 4


that was supposed to say 'I just posted something' - I need to either type slower or check my spelling more!!

Mutual admiration society!!

Post 5


I thought 'smoething' was a new word like my 'togevver'. Ah, well!
Will definitely take a look, oh mad one!
Looking forward to the 'other side of the bar' view! Hope you're in a more sober state than I was!

smiley - winkeyesmiley - ale

Mutual admiration society!!

Post 6


What like smoething together????!!!
I am normally sober at the start of the night which is where the fustration comes from but the drink dulls it and I actually start to find some of them funny as the evening wears on and the alcohol has an effect!!!
Justeve smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Mutual admiration society!!

Post 7


Have noticed that you have other stuff posted up. Good on ye!
Will take a look if not tonight, then tomorrow!

Gotta Go! smiley - run

Mutual admiration society!!

Post 8


the one called 'here goes' was written for a flash and I only had 20 minutes!! but any comments would be gratefully recieved
Justevesmiley - biggrin

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