This is the Message Centre for PenJen
jacksprat Started conversation May 10, 2004
hi penjen. i am seriously confused. i just found myself teleported to this odd site called h2g2. i found you there and now i am lost. what the ****is that all bout? help me! please. is this site connected to GW in somw way? what's it all about and how did i get here/what am i doing here?
Oh, Frightened One!!
PenJen Posted May 10, 2004
Oh JackSpratt!!!! Poor You!!!
You really made me laugh out loud! I’m still sniggering away! Ah, you poor wee thing! God love ye! My sincere apologies!
Someone recommended the link to me the other night, in the wee small hours, and I was curious, bored and had other work to do, that I didn’t want to pursue, so I took a leap. It freaked the life outta me too! Thought I was taken prisoner and with a flick of a button would be terminated! I did take a wee sneak around. Joined the ‘4 word thing’, and discovered that you can also check how many are signed on at that given time, plus keep an eye on your conversations. From what I gathered it is the same as GW but with more specialised sites, forums etc. Other than that, didn’t hang around for too long. Weird goings on with folk with very strange names & stuff. The glare of the ‘blue and grey’ screen frightened wee PenJen back into the comfort zone of ‘soothing purple and beige’. And here I remain, unless I surmount a pinch of courage, or extreme excessive boredom again and venture back prepared! Still a novice and quite content here, ta very much!
I see you as that wee 4 yr old kid lost in a noisy evil DIY store! Hope this clears the mess up a wee bit for you!
Was thinking of posting you a wee note sometime today but you beat me to it, out of fear! I’m still laughing!! Now we’re acquainted, first encountered on the ‘Poetry Challenge Thread’, often at differing time scales! (That Hiramibiff keeps me up late at night with his verses!)
And I really want to thank you for all your positive and honest feedback and comments. I’m sure it can’t be easy to read. I appreciate all your encouraging words. Makes it worthwhile to continue, so many thanks! I have only read 2 pieces of yours and I left a comment, loved them both, of a very high standard too! I do intend to float around and visit other folders when I’ve more time.
Had to book, (no pun intended), today off as a holiday from one job, so that I could get work done for one of other jobs (I compile the Book Reviews for two papers). Did an allnighter last night and fingers are stiff, eyes red and have overdosed on caffeine & nicotine. What’s new there? Have been stealing moments here and there to take a peek and a pleasure ponder at some postings, then get carried away… As evident from this message also!
Apologies, dear frightened one! So I’ll leave it at that and hope that you feel safe and write some more quality stuff to keep me entertained and enthralled!! Keep it up!
So see you around… fingers slipping off keyboard…need more caffeine & a fag, and a life. I think it’s sunny outside. Wouldn’t know… ANYWAY, I digress...
Until next time, best wishes,
Oh, Frightened One!!
jacksprat Posted May 10, 2004
a-ha! thank you very much.i don't think i shall visit it again - it was a bit freaky and confused me (which, in all honesty, isn't hard to do). i woul love to get paid to write book reviews! i have been meaning to contact u for a few days now coz i keep seeing you about (usually in front of me on various reviews! or in that darn poetry corner!). i tend to be online at odd times coz i have a 3yr old daugter, so you may find me at 3am - in a sorry state - or at lunchtime while she's occupied eating her lunch and i have 5 mins to myself. anyway, i feel that i have waffled for far too long. i am sorry about my incessant rambling so take it easy and i'll catch up with you soon
Oh, Frightened One!!
PenJen Posted May 10, 2004
Jack Sprat,
I' am still giggling away some nine hours later! Thanks for that! Am also STILL reading the blasted books due for written review for 9am. Looks like another alnighter. Have smoked in excess of 40 plus fags. Book reviewing just gets in the way of enjoying good books to be honest! The two due for this week are from an American author now residing in Dublin and I've also arranged for him to visit the Bookshop I work for a reading/signing this Saturday. They're pretty good, though. But I'm bloody wrecked, and really shouldn't be wiling away on this site. Ah sure, it's not as if I'm wasting time, this is fun and it's been a really wonderful day! Thank you for all your lovely comments on the poems. I am planning my course of action to do a little repayment, long overdue to quite a few people.
I bet your 3 year old daughter is the inspiration for a lot of your work, the little angels (?) that they are! I have no kids, as yet, but have 3 Godchildren and a playground of nieces and nephews, never mind a humanised-dog aged 7.
Anyway, take care and see you around!
Oh, Frightened One!!
jacksprat Posted May 11, 2004
hi penjen, hows that book review going? actually, i suppose you are quite right; it must be a bit boring to force yourself to read a book that just doesn't grab you. anyway, hopefully you have finished it and without too much blood, sweat and tears.
i feel extremely fragile today. for reasons known only to myself i went out and got totally trolleyed last night. i know that i have made a big t**t out of myself somewhere along the line but i can't remember how/where/why etc. tis a horrible feeling, ain't it? nevermind, no doubt i shell reamin paranoid for the rest of the day and then forget it enough to show my face in the pub tomorrow!
i note from your portfolio that u hail from the fair isle? must be lovely. i live in Cornwall which is perpetually dull. Rhianon is a source of inspiration in a round about way but more often than not, she is a distraction! but a wonderful one. um, for some reason i have become compelled to tell you a little about myself - probably because you have been so candid about your own life and it feels rude not to return the favour! um, i don't quite know what to say other than i am 23 and a full-time mum with aspirations to get published, one day (oh, and one day i would like to be telepathic too). sorry, i have waffled again. if i have irritated you just drop me a note telling me to p- off. i pronise not to be offended! take it easy and have a good day
Oh, Frightened One!!
PenJen Posted May 12, 2004
Hi Jack, 3:14am
How have your days been?
Got them blasted book reviews finished at 8:43am and in for 9am this morn! More to do on Thurs night, but can hopefully duplicate!
How's the wee head? That's what happens, my dear! I'm just jealous! Gonna get hammered this w'end. Long-deserving and overdue!
Rhianon is a really beautiful name. Never heard of it before. Also I came across your piece in 'Life Writing'. I left you a note, hope it's OK. Know exactly how you feel, been there myself. Hope everything works out and YES one day you will be published. You've got talent, nuture it and spit it out! We're all waiting!
Must hit the sack. Am knakered. Have a good day today/tomorrow. Might post up a wee poem I have lying on the screen. All this talk of drink has got me to think...
Take care & see you around!
Oh, Frightened One!!
jacksprat Posted May 13, 2004
hi jen,hope all is cool with you. thank yo for you're very nice feedback on "jaded" - it was just one of those moments of madness we all have when i wrote that. yeah, it could be good to e.mail privately although i am not sure how to go about posting addressess etc. the method yo suggested seems sound enough but when are we likely to encounter each other at the same time? tricky! i don't have to work so i am quite flexible, i can pretty much log on for 2mins whenever i please (within reason!) so it may be easier if i work around you, you tell me when the best time for you to be on here is and i will endeaver to catch you.
Rhianon is a welsh name, although it is usually spealt Rhiannon. tis a beautiful name for a beautiful girl but u are absolutely right. it is difficult to bring up a child when i haven't grown up yt myself but at the end of the day she didn't ask to be here so i have to do the best by her every step of the way, although sometimes that is the hardest thing possible. anyway, i have verbal (typists?) dihorrea, evidentally. take it easy jen, don't work too hard and i'll catch u soon.
Oh, Frightened One!!
PenJen Posted May 13, 2004
Feel really silly now as took your piece to heart. Kinda reminded me of the same sentiment and have got carried away in suggesting private email. I've only been in this site 2 weeks as no doubt you have been too. Just wanted to say that there's always someone out there willing to listen, talk, share and has been there. Just caught me in the moment. (Your writing did this to me! How could you!!) Didn't mean to put you on the spot or the like. Must think I'm a weirdo or something! I assure you I'm not. I just write a little too intensely and OTT. My apologies. I'm happy on this forum except any one can access your notes to others. But we can always comfort ourselves that we are still anonymous, full screens with blank faces and cyber personalities. Now that's weird! Will stop rambling now. Pity thine eyes for reading! Love to the beauty that is your daughter, Rhiannon.
Have a wicked weekend and be good! Does any of the above make any sense?! Am now tripping off to bed. Long day tomorrow...
Take Care JackS & keep the words alight!
Oh, Frightened One!!
jacksprat Posted May 14, 2004
no,no,no. don't feel silly, you have taken what i said the wrong way. yeah, i would like to e.mail you privately coz i feel we have a lot in common and we probably have lots we could discuss. all, i meant was that i wasn't entirely comfortable posting my address on here for all to see.
there's stuff i would like to say privately too so i think the e.mail idea is a good one! no! i feel silly now that i have said something to offend you. doh! let me know when it is a good time to post addresses and we will go from there. that;s what i meant when i said "i can work round you". i meant that whenever was best for you to post your address was fine with me coz i can pretty much log-on anytime. doh! wires crossed.
i agree, we do seem quite similar (must be the tortured souls bit!) and it would be nice to talk to you in a different capacity - especially when the BBC keep sending me shitty e.mails for swearing and keep editing me work! so i'm sorry if i gave the impression that i didn't want to e.mail coz that wasn't the case.
Oh, Frightened One!!
PenJen Posted May 14, 2004
What are we like?!!
No worries, Jacksprat!!
Remember that weird link h2g2, that frightened you and gave me such a laugh (still giggling!)? Well, if you do link to it on 'my space' there is a list of options on RHS where you can check how many people are on line at same time as you and who they are. That way we'll know when we are both on at same time. I only discovered this recently. Handy if we want to send email addresses. You can swear, be obscene as much as you like then! I've only had one telling off from the big knobs. Bit disappointed. Not a rebel like your good self!! And you a mother, shame on you!!
I'm hitting the sack now, so, we'll converse in next couple of days. Sorted then.
Take care Rebel with a Clause!
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