This is the Message Centre for royalblue

Hello, Roy!

Post 1


I am just a month ahead of you in finding h2g2.

Jez pointed me in this direction as a way of unsubscribing to threads and I got myself into a fine old mess.

Now I am here, I don't know what to do with My Space.

With your permission, I will add you to my list of friends ...

kksmiley - winkeye

Hello, Roy!

Post 2


that was quick KK i did not exspect any replys as i have only just started please be my quest and add my still trying to work it all out.smiley - cheerssmiley - bubbly

Hello, Roy!

Post 3


I have added you onto my list of friends, Roy, as my limited experience is that it is easiest to do so when I was on your page (there's a 'add to friends' button that I haven't found anywhere else). And I think I can only visit your page when you are online.

Anyway, you are now on my list of guinea pigs, sorry, friends!

Feel free to use me as a dummy / guineas pig as and when.

kksmiley - bubbly

Hello, Roy!

Post 4


Roy, please click on this link

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