This is the Message Centre for tibbysoo1

Hi Tibs

Post 1


Hi Soo

How are you I have not talked to you in ages... Hope you are fine.
Bob...smiley - smiley

Hi Tibs

Post 2


Hi Bob
Thanks for your message, so why are we moving?
Hope your kitties are well, and you are not getting tooo much crap at work these days.
I am starting a BA in Fine Art at the end of sept, so have been very busy sketching and gathering myself for the next five yrs...
Got the archery club fun get together tomorrow, but I am bereft, to miss car booty day...smiley - sadfacesmiley - laugh
Half way through already and we live for the beach but have to fight the holiday makers off.
Have some lovely bits of drift wood though.
Take care and thanks for thinking of me

Hi Tibs

Post 3


Intern got itchy and the plans are goodsmiley - ok

Hope your kitties are well Yes we have 5 now 2 Ginge tom kittens Whiskey and Soda.smiley - biggrin

And you are not getting tooo much crap at work these days. A bit I hope I will cure it soon.smiley - winkeye

I am starting a BA in Fine Art at the end of sept, so have been very busy sketching and gathering myself for the next five yr Oh well done proud of you hope you fly through it...smiley - smiley

You just have a wonderul summer and I hope the woffers are all OK. (whispers hows the new chap smiley - winkeye the last date) hope you are all doing fine...

smiley - hug Bob...

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