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Logic puzzle
The Quite Memorably And Most Creatively Named No. 704,239 Started conversation Apr 21, 2004
Here's an interesting competition. First person to post the correct answer praise! They also receive this virtual candy bar:
Oooooohhhh! Aaaaaahhhhhh! Ohhhhhhh!
Five friends, Andrew, Bernard, Claude, Donald and Eugene, each have a son and a daughter. Their families are so close that each has married his daughter to the son of one of his friends. Consequently, the daughter-in-law of the father of Andrew's son-in-law is the sister-in-law of Bernard's son, and the son-in-law of the father of Claude's daughter-in-law is the brother-in-law of Donald's daughter. But although the daughter-in-law of the father of Bernard's daughter-in-law has the same mother-in-law as the son-in-law of the father of Donald's son-in-law, the situation is simplified by the fact that no daughter-in-law is the sister-in-law of the daughter of her father-in-law. Who married Eugene's daughter?
I know someone can answer this.
Logic puzzle
Moving On Posted May 29, 2004
A vicar, I'd imagine. (Unless of course they had a quiet Registry Office jobby, in which case it was the Registrar)
I'm allergic to virtual . May I have
instead - as well as high praise, please?
Logic puzzle
The Quite Memorably And Most Creatively Named No. 704,239 Posted May 30, 2004
I suppose I must accept that. Sorry that I can't find a full bottle, but I can find an unusual amount of pre-filled glasses on my shelves. A bottle should be about 25 one-ounce glasses...
Well done, Evadne! You thought in a very lateral fashion! I could not have thought of a more creative solution myself!
Logic puzzle
Moving On Posted May 30, 2004
Gosh.. are you trying to get me drunk as well as big headed?
I LOATHE those logical problems; even at school, when you got the old "The bath water is coming in at X litres per second and the water is going out at Y litres per second, at these rates, how long would it take for the bath to overflow" I always used to write : "Turn the taps off - why do you want to make the bath overflow in the first place?" Needless to say, the maths teacher went bald at an early age, but she was an attractive lady, despite that.
And now, even now I actually do see the point of that sort of "logical" problem... I haven't got a clue as to how to think logically to solve stuff like that. I find guessing almost as efficient, but don't ask me how I reached that conclusion!
But I've learnt something new, Creative; I never thought I thought laterally before! So I must be doing something right
Welcome to The Threads, by the way. Very discourteous of me not to have said before.
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Logic puzzle
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