This is the Message Centre for WratheBorel

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Post 1


I'm not sure if it's been done before but I had this idea that people who contribute to this discussion board could take part in writing what could be the worlds first multi-authored novel, completed entirely on the internet.

Each person could be any number of characters, we could create a whole world and the thing could be a digital serial where you just have to know what happens next. The only difference would be that it is up to us to take the plot forward. Will it ever end, or will the story just continue on (almost) forever like Coronation Street, Startrek or THGTTG? We could create incredible worlds, have super powers, invent new colours? Hey, this could be good fun! Who knows, but anyway lets start it now.

Before I do, how about a title? Lets see how the plot goes and discuss the title as a new post. Here goes, and this is right off the top of my head.

It had just turned ten fifteen pm. Wrathe took one match from the box, lit it and tossed it into the lab. He had figured that there would be enough gas in there now, since he turned the tap on, to ignite and wipe out the facility. Just between the flash and the explosion, he caught a glimpse of some of the 'experiments' looking back at him through the bars of their cages. He thought he heard something scream before the explosion ripped the unit apart, setting off the alarms. Just as the security men came clattering down the smoke filled corridor, Wrathe Borel slipped off into the night.

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