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Psychic dreams

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

My sister and I have prophetic dreams about each other which have always come true.

I dreamed about every one of my children while I was pregnant with them - they introduced themselves to me.

I once heard a stranger talking and I got a whiff of pipe smoke, and I went over (feeling quite daft) and told her and she said "That's my Dad, he smoked a pipe and I can always smell when he's around"

I think we are all a little psychic, it just depends whether we are tuned in or not.smiley - smiley

smiley - hug

Psychic dreams

Post 2

cheerful pessimist

Hi Annie

That is scary, what age where your children in the dreams? Do they look like they do in real life in the dream? I think thats scary but wonderful at the same time. I would be very excited to meet my children pre birth how lovely.

I had a dream about my deceased grandfather once. I was very close to him and he died when I was 21. He was in his late 90's and he died peacefully in his sleep but some months later I had the most terrible dream. He was being tortured and I was trying to reach out and comfort him. I woke worrying that he was not at peace and trying to contact me. At the time I was pregnant and sadly did not carry to full term and the baby died. I am not sure if this was a message from him or not but it really upset me.



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