This is the Message Centre for Severa

Hello there!

Post 1


I saw your message posted to the Dracula entry, being called Mina, you might be able to imagine why I saw that.

Anyway, I thought I'd take a moment to welcome you to h2g2. I've been around for a long time, but I can still remember what it's like to be new.

Are you particularly interested in Dracula, or did you just happen to fancy commenting on that one? I made some comments about it as well - F57153?thread=378492 I didn't get a very good response to mine, hopefully you'll do better. smiley - ok

Hello there!

Post 2


Thats a really cool name, Mina. Have you seen LEG smiley - biggrin

Thanks for the welcome, it means a lot when you're new somewhere. As for Dracula, I do have a partucular interest in him, but I wasn't looking for that article, I just happened upon it when browsing yesterday.

Basically, I'm interested in just about anything that's slightly out of the ordinary. Or very out of the ordinary. I'm reaing the book (Dracula) at the moment, so you might say he was on my mind.

This place seems so cool.

Hello there!

Post 3


LEG? Not sure what/who that is!

I tried to read Dracula, but I don't remember making it right to the end, Bram wasn't the best writer in the world, and I don't relly like Gothic horror. Shame on me! But I do like the 'story', even if I don't like the actual words.

Did you see the entry on Elizabeth Bathory? I linked to it in the conversation about Dracula, but I can find it again if you like. Slightly out of the ordinary, I'd say!

Hello there!

Post 4


Or very. smiley - aliensmile

Sorry it took a while to get back to you, I've been slightly caught up in things. I read the entry on Bathory just now, and very pleasent bed-time reading it makes too smiley - smiley

I had heard the story, although not in so much detail, when I was nine, from my ten-year-old cousin. It included such pleasantries as blood-showers taken under what seems to be the same cage the peasent girl Pola was killed in, ripping the cheeks out on girls with her own fingers, and many other things. My cousin is...not the sanest person in the world, to say the least.

It's nice to read something so un-sensationalistic about such an infamous topic. That's what I like about this place, people seem to take the duty of acurate reporting seriously. Perhaps that's just the edited guide? If only news-reporting were of this quality.

I cannot understand that I wrote LEG. I'm not usually that obtuse. I meant the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, the movie, you know? It has Mina Harker in it, so I just thought...well, making conversation, actually.

Incidentaly, I just noticed you have a three-digit researcher number. I am like, totally in awe, mine's as long as yor arm. Oh well, atleast it ends in 42, so I don't have to make one of those complicated calculations to get the right number. Converting it to base twelve, and stuff like that.

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