This is the Message Centre for Blue Pearl

lost and ...?

Post 1

Old Goat

Hi. Have a look at particularly the last message in: and tell me yes/no if there are still some of your conversations to which you do not have access. Maybe . . . And don't forget the dramas/skits now you've piqued my interest. OG

lost and ...?

Post 2

Blue Pearl

Hello, OG,

I had a look at the message in question. I’ve tried my best to recall the topics that I might want to keep in a folder or file. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the questions I participated in. I have a vague recollection but nothing concrete to go on. To tell you the truth, the MB wasn’t actually discovered by me. A friend of mine found the place and was there for 2 or 3 months, I think. When she decided to bid farewell to it, I thought of taking a look around using her account with some changes in the personal details. I liked the ‘LE’ board immensely and decided to stay. The bottom line is that I don’t want all the discussions but some fruitful ones. Since I haven’t kept a track of various topics, it’s a hopeless situation I guess.

Can I do something to retrieve a couple of old threads, OG? Please let me know.

There’s another problem. And I want both of you, OG and Kirsti, to help me out. Since both of you contributed to my thread, you would be able to understand me. I feel very wretched about the way I commented on msg #11. I think I was ill-behaved. I feel my reaction was uncalled-for and that I could have refrained from making any comments if I had tried enough, though she knows exactly what to do in order to push people’s buttons.

I polluted my own thread by making that comment and I do feel bad now. Should I apologise to her for my behaviour or would I be making a fool of myself by doing so?

This may sound like a trivial matter, but I’d feel a whole lot better after having your say on this.

Thanks a lot

Warm regards,


lost and ...?

Post 3


Hi, Mimmie. Are you referring to this message? Just let things be. You were not rude. It's strange that Irina who wants to be sure of things by asking and asking again - I even think that she's going through her old messages to be sure of some old answers before the MB closes - it's strange that she doesn't understand that other members can have remaining doubts. There, there. Take this one to weep your tears. If anyone was rude it was Irina. I think she was kidding more than intending to be rude. I can of course imagine that you were angry at her and that when you said "you are intelligent" you said so in an ironical or irritated way. One can also think you said it an admiring way . There is absolutely no reason for you to apologise.

lost and ...?

Post 4

Old Goat

Hello Minnie, Kirsti is spot on. Her analysis is complete and accurate. Forget the remarks. All the discussions still exist. They can be found: 1 From or via the list of conversations of any individual who is subscribed to them. 2 From the Forum list of discussions. You seem to think you have unsubscribed. I unsubscribe periodically, as does LF. I think Robert does not do this. (Actually, it is unlikely that anyone using Internet Explorer AND who has no substantive existence in hootoo will have unsubscribed because, I think, they do not have the tools.) What is needed then, is an approximate month and/or name of member who is subscribed and/or some idea of discussion title. Was it you or your friend who posted msg 4 in this thread: It looks a lot like your style. OG

lost and ...?

Post 5

Blue Pearl

G'day, Kirsti and OG.

Thanks you very much for making it so much easier.

I’ll let bygones be bygones and just move on. I’m already feeling better.

With regard to the message, it’s indeed me, OG. How did you find this thread? I’m truly surprised. As far as I can remember, I had unsubscribed from all my discussions I’d participated in during that period. I was very much a part of the MB in May. Once my friend left, I completely took over. In fact, I came in a couple of days before the ‘full of beans’ fiasco which, if my memory serves me right, happened sometime in April. ‘Some idea of discussion title’ is what I don’t seem to have sadly. I’ll rake my brain one more time to see if I can come up with something useful. But thanks for all the help and concern, OG.

Now for being so kind and understanding, here’s something I offer you both, Kirsti and OG.

smiley - teasmiley - coffeesmiley - alesmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - burgersmiley - crispssmiley - popcornsmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - smiley


PS. "It looks a lot like your style."----The wording is ambiguous, OG! Doesn't tell me a thing about 'MY style' smiley - biggrin

lost and ...?

Post 6

Old Goat

Hello Minnie,
In addition to allowing the matter to pass without further ado, as a general principle DNFTT is a practical approach. The world may look flat to some but experience of it reveals there is more to it than meets the eye. DNFTT works where nothing else has.

Here's a link to, as you can see at a glance, the message boards of 'learning English' (mble) within BBC's dna structure. DNA happens to be the initials of the late Douglas N. Adams, who happens to be the creator and author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (otherwise known as HHGG, H2G2 or hootoo). You can see also that it is to the member posts (MP) of member 70000320. These pages default to 25 msgs but you'll see this link forces it to show more. In fact, this is all the messages to which you are at the time you activate the link, subscribed.

If you delete the 'mble' and insert 'h2g2' you will display a somewhat similar list but in very different format.

Questions?smiley - smiley

OGsmiley - cheers

lost and ...?

Post 7

Old Goat

Not strictly true. It shows 250. At the time of writing your msgs total about 240 so it is enough for the time being. I've never bothered to verify the code which would show all.

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