This is the Message Centre for Blue Pearl

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Post 1

Old Goat

Hello! Hello! Hello!
Well, there's a sight for sore eyes! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin Welcome back, even if it is only just before BBC closes the LE boards.

Hope you're well.

smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - hug

No Subject

Post 2


Hi, Blue Pearl.smiley - biggrin I join my thoughts to Old Goat's. Happy to see a sign of life! Take care,


No Subject

Post 3

Blue Pearl

Dear OG and Kirsti,

A warm hello to both of you. I'm coming back after a long time and I feel overwhelmed by your messages of good wishes. It never crossed my mind that anyone would notice that I wasn't around. Frankly, I'm at a loss for words right now. I'll write to you very soon; just need some time to be in command of myself.

Best regards,

No Subject

Post 4


Hi Minni,
Welcome back, it's very nice to hear from you again. The problem is when the LE board closes, how we are going to get along with each other. Is it OK for you Minni and Kirsti to e-mail me? I'm very upset because I will lose your companion and friendship. I know it's not a friendship, but for me it's. You are always there to help me. If you agree to e-mail me OG will handle this. Please let me know as soon as possible before the Q board closes.
Again welcome back. I'm happy to know that you are very well.
smiley - kiss

No Subject

Post 5

Blue Pearl


I was in the middle of composing my message for you, Kirsti and OG when I hear this loud rap on my hotel room door.

Raneem, you’ve mentioned a couple of very interesting things and I’d certainly reply. I just need some spare time; two hours at least without being disturbed.

I’m very sorry. Please bear with me.

Have to go.

Warm regrds,

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