This is the Message Centre for Crazyowl

You have reached Crazyowl. Please post a message after the beep.

Post 1



You have reached Crazyowl. Please post a message after the beep.

Post 2


smiley - winkeye not all owls r crazysmiley - rofl,,,,,Hello btw

You have reached Crazyowl. Please post a message after the beep.

Post 3


This much is true. This particular owl, however....*ahem* anyway...smiley - tongueout
Nice to meet you! Thanks for being the first to post in my little corner of everything. Takes guts, that does.smiley - ok

You have reached Crazyowl. Please post a message after the beep.

Post 4


wot takes guts ??,,,ere,u aint 1 of them smiley - monster's r ya ??....Plzd to meet u too !!

You have reached Crazyowl. Please post a message after the beep.

Post 5


u gone quiet,,, smiley - sadface

You have reached Crazyowl. Please post a message after the beep.

Post 6


sorry! Off eating

You have reached Crazyowl. Please post a message after the beep.

Post 7


dinner ??,,,,wot time is it ?? smiley - winkeye

You have reached Crazyowl. Please post a message after the beep.

Post 8


Well, here in little ol' Toronto it would be 19:58, or 7:58PM. In other words, time to eat!smiley - winkeye What time is it for you?

You have reached Crazyowl. Please post a message after the beep.

Post 9


Now who's gone quiet? smiley - winkeye

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