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the bible

stopped reading it

got me worked up

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Latest reply: Aug 6, 2004

the meaning of life.

meaning of life for you and me.

so difficult it is for those to see,
the truth within either
It makes us who we were meant to be,
And yet it is for neither.

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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2004

Born again!

i found what i was looking for.

The Bibe.

This book is full of great evil.
It must be stopped.

The opression must end.

That is why i am here.
That is why i am here.
This is what i must do.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The road from hell is paved with liberations.

I live or die in the fight for freedom.

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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2004


What is truth. More accuately what is pain?

"The universe is one extreemly large, rapidly expanding, super-complex-predestinaton event."

No one on earth sees this, no one understands it, no one can apply it to their own life, therefore no one understands the meaning of life.

no one, except me.
I shoud know.
I wrote it.

I am all alone.
I am so depressed.

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Latest reply: Jun 27, 2004

Eurika moment.

reading the e-mails over the past few days made me realise.

The world isn't ready for me yet. people are still stuck in their own lives it is extreemly difficult to see outwith yourself.

But if this was true, then why am i still on this planet.

The universe must be punishing me for something i am about to do.

oh well, happy days!smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2004

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