This is the Message Centre for U695218

Hello Lapis

Post 1


I've seen you around on some of the chat threads and thought I would say hi.

Hello Lapis

Post 2


How nice of you to leave your calling card. Hello to you too.smiley - teasmiley - smiley

Hello Lapis

Post 3


By the way Beo,

I don't often check my message centre hence the 13 hour delay in replying.smiley - smileyI don't know if you're located in the UK, but I'm GMT+ 3 hours.



Hello Lapis

Post 4


I was a bit confused but its fine. I think I am GM +5 but don't use GM time enought to really know. See ya around.

Hello Lapis

Post 5


GMT+5 ? Asia? I'm in the Persian Gulf and my weekend begins this lunchtime. So, maybe see you Saturday or after.smiley - oksmiley - run

Hello Lapis

Post 6


Sorry I just looked it up and it turns out it is -5 not +5 as I said I rarley have to use GMT still I am online on and off from about 11 am to 1 am so there is a good chance I'll run into you

Hello Lapis

Post 7


smiley - laugh-5GMT? Atlantic region?

See you around.smiley - ok

Hello Lapis

Post 8


American Midwest actually I think its the DST thats throughing you.

See ya aroundsmiley - smiley

Hello Lapis

Post 9


Ah, that narrows it down (smiley - erm): the Midwest a big place!

Hope all's well with you. smiley - smiley

Hello Lapis

Post 10


Missouri and I'm pretty good how bout you?

Hello Lapis

Post 11


Ah, Missouri!

I'm fine thanks, I'm off to work now. See you later on the threads.

smiley - oksmiley - run

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