This is the Message Centre for el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums
Hi el D
Maria Posted Feb 6, 2009
Hi Les,
I think you have misread my words, I said:"tell me more about Quakerism,about what you want... I appreciate your posts."
In other words, tell me what it pleases you, be quakerism or any other thing.
Sorry my friend. It sounds to me a bit rude that of What do you want?.
I have already got an idea of what you get from your views. And I think they are fine. I understand you really well.
I think that we don´t have soul,soul is what happens to us. Those strong feelings you get from nature, art or those derived from social relationships,from human warm, from love, friendship...
My filosofy of life. Can´t say easily, not even if I have one.
I was raised catholic, but since I was a child I started to find inconsistencies in the Bible and contradictions, moral, in believers.
For many years I wanted to believe in god. THen I find interesting the Willian Blake, the good and the devil are both inside we humans. Not as beings but as the capacity to do good and bad to others.
Now, I assume that we are a tiny particule of chemistry in a whole universe, but a particle that has feelings, that could be called , the soul, the spirit, noumenon?
I try to keep my feelings healthy, balanced and be kind with others.
Be gentle with yourself,
I thought that you have read something I have written, and you had thought that I needed that. Because I need it. And yes, it´s so good that someones tell you- We need to be reminded always the obvious, the common sense.
When we "met" I was really down. I let myself be hugged by you. I found you a genuine good man. A good balanced calm loving person.
And I love to send you and
It´s my character. YOu should see me kissing my daughter or my siter or my brothers,my friends.... I can be pesky! But they love it!
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 7, 2009
Thank you Mar for that post. I have the feeling of you as a warm and friendly person and I really appreciate that. Internet friendship is a little unusual because you have only what the other person chooses to say, no other cues to go by. Somehow I know that you are a genuine person, what you see is what you get! I really like that and I'm glad you can accept my friendship for what it is. I try to be calm and balanced and I guess I achieve it most of the time but I'm human too! However, you can be sure that what I say to you is out of genuine friendship and I'm pleased if I can make a difference for you. Your family are very fortunate to have you, such a loving mother/sister etc. and I count myself privileged to be among your friends.
I'm working on a small poem and had hoped to have it ready to send you but it hasn't quite come together yet. You shall have it soon I hope.
I am frustrated today that my online time is limited by the life of my battery as I am in a cafe and can't plug in to the electricidad!
I shall read again your post offline and put on my thinking cap!
Hasta pronto mia amiga querida,
Les s
Hi el D
Maria Posted Feb 7, 2009
Hi, Les,
I´m sorry for the battery.
I´m looking foward to reading those verses.
Un abrazo, my friend
Hi el D
Maria Posted Feb 8, 2009
Hi Les,
I´m going to madrid tomorrow, to have the pre-surgical tests.
I guess I´ll be tired again when I come back. It´s a lot to walk.
but, I´ll check in case Amelia appears.
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 9, 2009
Hi Mar!
Now I'm at our apartamento and I can look back over your message at leisure without having to wonder if my battery is going to run out at any moment. That's better!
Ah, now... the "What do you want" thing was entirely my fault - just a muddle over words and me mis-quoting you. I never thought for a moment that you sounded rude; far from it, lo siento mia amiga.
Let me tell you a little bit of my life to give you some more idea of what I'm about. After school I trained and worked for several years as an engineer and then as a designer. I enjoyed those times but then I lost a job and decided that actually I didn't want to spend the rest of my working life always doing the same thing. I took a few years out by doing something totally different, I drove buses and worked in a hospital and it was like a breath of fresh air.
I suppose then I had an attack of conscience that I was not fulfilling my potential so I followed a path that led to me returning to college and gaining a professional qualification in social work. For the next 10 years I worked with children and families, young offenders and mentally ill people. During that time we moved to a rural area and we bought a small farm. We decided eventually that I would spend my time running the farm and so I left my job.
Since then I have not worked in a "proper job" but have had a few small business enterprises of various kinds. We sold the farm about 15 years ago and bought our present house, a cottage in the south west of England. We live by a mixture of investments and short-term project work as we need to and so far we are "still afloat". It can be a bit scary at times but we are so much more flexible - which is why we are spending 5 weeks in the Algarve right now!
There is more of course but I'll tell you in a little while. Too much all at once would not be a good thing - and I don't want to send you to sleep!
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 9, 2009
Hi Mar.
I wonder if this will give you a little insight into how I think - or just totally confuse you! It's part of a piece I wrote for a short epilogue I did at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre earlier last year.
We’re all remarkably familiar nowadays with this planet of ours. We zoom around it as a matter of course in hours. We communicate from the arctic to the equator in a split second, send a message from Hong-Kong to New York and have the answer back yesterday. We understand, or at least have inteligent theories about, its innermost workings.
It doesn’t end there of course. Our fellows been to take a look at the moon in person. Men carry out engineering projects way out in space and we’ve sent our ever more inquisitive probes further and further away to see what’s out there. We may not understand it all but scientists tell us how the universe works, they map its vastness and track the heavenly bodies across its unimaginable emptiness.
It’s as though the universe were shrinking. The greater our understanding, the more manageable it all seems. To use a popular phrase, we can get our heads round it.
Except that I can’t. I don’t know about you but, if I stop to think about the universe – and I have to admit that I do from time to time – there comes a point where my mind just goes blank. I can think my way out past the moon and the nearer planets, turn left at Pluto and head out into deep space…
and that’s where I run into trouble. You occasionally hear the phrase ‘the edge of the universe’ – but it doesn’t have one does it? I mean, when in your mind’s eye, you’ve gone beyond the planets, into that dark void with only the distant stars for company and it seems to stretch on endlessly in front of you – where next? What is next, more of the same? And how much more of the same? Do you see what I mean? We’re used to things having an edge, a boundary, something that tells us that we’ve got there, that beyond this point something else starts. But out there, there’s nothing – or is it everything?
Now you’re probably wondering where this is going. What’s he on about? Well, I suppose this is the God-slot. But it’s not the bit where I come up with the answers. No, only more questions I’m afraid. Like: How can a small proportion of one species inhabitting a fairly insignificant ball of rock somewhere in the infinite believe that it has the answer to ‘life, the universe and everything’ – to quote Douglas Adams. It seems to me that the very act of naming whoever or whatever is at the centre of it all carries with it the danger of limiting that being, that power, that energy source. We risk bringing the source of creation and re-creation down to a size we can handle – man creating god in his own image?
To me, it in no way diminishes the sense of awe and wonder at the scale and the diversity of creation nor does it deny the existence of a creator if we cannot find a name. So for me the light within, the spirit that surrounds us, the life-force that drives the whole of creation is one and the same. One without name.
OK, you're probably now scratching your head and wondering, "what on earth was all that about?" Take a long rest and you'll feel better afterwards. Feel free to throw eggs!
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 9, 2009
Now of course I have read your message so I hope your day went well in Madrid, that everything is looking good for your problem to be sorted out. Those things can be very tiring can't they so now you need to take a rest and regain your energy.
And finally Mar (for today!) I finished the poem. It's only short and I wonder why it took so long to come together - but sometimes they do, don't they. Anyway, it's for you...
Grey-lit the morn,
Cold-luminous the day.
The glistening dew
Of night's shed tears
Her sorrow doth betray.
Gold is the noon,
Soft breeze caress the hour.
In fragrant field
Of healing herb
Her spirit makes her bower.
Come crimson eve,
Thy shade doth sooth the soul.
And so to rest
By candle's glow;
Earth's love hath made her whole.
Be well my dear friend,
Hasta pronto,
and very best wishes too from Amelia!
Hi el D
Maria Posted Feb 9, 2009
Buenas noches, gentle man.
I read those posts a few hours back.
I´ve re-read the poem. It has new meanings. It´s not only that I have found out the word bower -it´s lovely, also, I´ve thought that she was me and has made me sigh of relief thinking that nature,again, will help restore me. I´m thinking about the colors,the smells, the feelings the poem evoques in me. It has a "healing" effect on me. Because I sympathise with that she. Thanks my friend
I haven´t understood well the first stanza. But´I´m going to translate the whole poem to spanish, I want to feel it in my own language. I´ll bring it here when it´s done.
Next friday, I hope, they will tell me the date of the surgery. I´ll be busy. Days at hospital...
The first lesson of this term starts that weekend, I will miss it surely. I´ll mail the teachers. There is only one lesson every month. Well, no problem. Me apañaré ( I´ll get over it)
This week, it has been like my holidays, within this compulsory staying at home. From now on I must dosify h2. I wish I could post everywhere, I like the journals of friends, the Ask conversations... but they can take a lot of time, I have fun. There´s a lot of good and excellent people in this place. It can be addictive like chocolate!
I´m impressed by your words. I´m talking about myself because I don´t know how to start to answer you. It´s not only that Im tired.
YOur essay:
I have read it once. It deserves more readings and a translation. If you want I´ll do it for you, maybe this summer. I like translating, but in an artesanal way. I enjoy doing it. I´ve thought that you may want to use it some time.
It will be good. To credit me, I´ll tell you that´I did a translation on arqueology for my neighbour. It was published in English, with my translation
I have had the same feelings that you about that concept of boundless universe. But you´ve added a pragmatical attitude. It´s not contradictory with the word spiritual! It seems that you load your "inner battery" with the energy of nature. And you get it by exposing yourself to it.
I love it.
(there are more comments about the essay, I´ll come later to it)
Many times I have looked at nature to find something that could heal me o "tell" me through symbols a word of hope. I always find something. Now, it helps me a lot think of this coming spring. I want to feel like that tree that has been grey during a long winter, a long winter of almost 12 months. That tree is starting to bud. It will enter another winter,it´s law of life, but it won´t take so much time again. I hope.
Excuse my anarchic post.
I´ll try to answer to the post that has impressed me most. That where you tell me about yourself. I´ll tell you about myself too. But now I want to say that I´m honoured of being your friend.
Good night, sweet friend
Oh, and send a to Amelia, please.
Hi el D
Maria Posted Feb 10, 2009
Buenos días, my friend,
That´s the translation of the poem:
Luz gris la mañana,
frío luminoso el día
el brillante rocío
de la noche derrama lágrimas,
su pena delata.
Oro es el mediodía,
una suave brisa acaricia la hora
en un campo fragante
de hierba sanadora,
su espíritu construye su espacio íntimo
Ven tarde púrpura
tu sombra suaviza el alma
y así descansa
junto al resplandor de la vela;
el amor the la Tierra la hace renacer.
The last verse is free translation, it´s what I feel with those words. Or what I want to feel.
When I was 14 years old( I had finished the primary school and it wasn´t compulsory to go on as it is now until 16) my parents offered me two options: stay at home, in the village, learning "female duties" or go to the town to work in a house as domestic assistant.
I chose the second option. Being there I took a decision that would change everything: I wanted to study. I couldn´t think that my life had to be so. As there wasn´t money to afford my studies, and grants weren´t on offer yet, I moved with my sister to a convent.
YOu could stay there if you worked for the convent ( helping to elaborate sweets, delivering them, cleaning the part of the convent destined to the "normal" students and also in the convent itself, the church, the cells of the nuns, the patio...
There are a lot of memories of those years, with the family I was working with and with the nuns. I´ll write them some day.
I got a grant after two years, but it wasn´t enough so I went with a family, a wonderful one. I worked during the day in their house and at night, I went to a nocturnal high school.
I didn´t study much and had to repeat twice.
I had money and Granada was simply exploding of beauty and cultural life, I was 18-19 years old. I have started to go out with a boy at 17 and we were having an incredibly time together. He is my husband now.
Finally I am at university. I am studying filology. I wanted to do Latin filology, Classic studies. But, my pragmatical alter-ego told me that I was behaving like a rich brat. I should do something with laboral future and then I chose English.
When I finished the studies I went to Ireland for a year. I suffered a lot there, I had to live with very little money, and wasn´t sure if so much suffering and effort would bring me any good. I couldn´t find a job. Only at the end, two months, cleaning a factory.
There, nature came to rescue me. I lived in a small village near Limerick, by the river Shanon. That´s was my "bower". I discovered autumn, the pleasure of rain, the awe of huge trees, I cried when I saw a gigantic pine! I loved to get inside the trees with holes, picked leaves and dry them... I only travelled once, to Cork. A friend bought me coloured pencils and I started to draw "crimson eves"
I come back to Granada, it´s May 1996, don´t find anything and start working in a hotel cleaning rooms. ( Japanesse are the more generous about tips!) My husband was here, he came in 1994 to stay only a short period, but...
I came here, had a depression. Again walks by the countryside and doing drama helped me to get over.( I´ve been in drama since school, but not now) I had lost my self-confidence and the little self-esteem I scarcely have always had. I recovered a bit of both and I started to work in high schools.
I want to work in state schools. Primary is the shortest way, that´s why I´m studying now.
The first studies were assistant of nurse, but I discovered literature and decided to do filology.
I´ve worked picking graves in France, cooking in bars and restaurants, cleaning, taking care of sick people, selling cosmetics...
I feel comfortable teaching. Kids love me and I love them.
My father told me a story about his father that helped me to opt for teaching. (besides, I had very good teachers in primary school, also bad... but that´s another story)
My grandfather spent three years in jail. The three years that lasted the Spanish Civil War.
There, a university teacher taught my abuelo and others like him rudiments of language, maths, physics... My abuelo used to teach around the village and earn a considerable part of his living, when he was released.
I was impressed by that story.
I got the idea that education is trascendental. Not only because I had enjoyed and suffered some teachers, but because a good teacher can help to change individuals and society.
I think my potencial is my empathy, and in this profession it is essential.
I have written a lot. I don´t want to tire your kind eyes too much.
Hasta pronto, dear friend.
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 11, 2009
(Escrito lunes)
¡Hola Mar!
I heard on the noticias that there was a car-bomb in Madrid. They said that no-one was hurt but I still hope that it didn't affect you at all.
I saw your verse on BP and thought it was really lovely. Was it Neruda himself or Flateria's interpretation? I like very much the poetry of Pablo Neruda. I have one of his called 'Your Laughter', it begins:
Take bread away from me, if you wish,
take air away, but
do not take from me your laughter.
Do not take away the rose,
the lance flower that you pluck,
the water that suddenly
bursts forth in joy,
the sudden wave
of silver born in you.
I have read it many times and never tire of it. I find it inspiring as well as beautiful for itself - as I do with much of Neruda's work.
By the way, I don't think I mentioned that I found an e-book of Thoreau and another of Emerson on the internet and downloaded them so now I'm enjoying reading through some of their poems. I got them from the Poem Hunter website. (
Just looking back at your post 61 I smiled at the words:
"Now, I assume that we are a tiny particule of chemistry in a whole universe, but a particle that has feelings, that could be called, the soul, the spirit, noumenon?"
I could almost have written those myself! We seem to have some similarity in our thoughts. If believing in a god means a literal belief in a single being in the way that we seem to be told in the bible then I'm afraid I don't either! If on the other hand I can believe that there is a creative force, a source of energy that powers the universe and that we are somehow a part of that whole then I can cope with that. I don't even begin to understand it but I can see how it could be - and that's probably good enough. Let's face it, no-one KNOWS do they? We can only construct something that works for us and some people like to think of that as religion, others as philosophy.
More soon my dear firend,
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 11, 2009
(Escrito martes)
Mar, you are amazing! I am both impressed and humbled by your story. It leaves me full of admiration.
Thank you so much for your translation of "Grey-lit the morn". I think you have captured perfectly the spirit of the poem and it sounds beautiful in Spanish. You are quite right to identify with "her"; it was 'escrito para ti'. In the first stanza I was trying to convey some difficult feelings. Night is often a poetic metaphor for times of sorrow, of pain. Just as the dew on the grass follows the cold of the night and glistens in the clear, cold light of the morning so our feelings of sorrow, our tears, can be shown up even when the light of hope is shed. It's a sort of betrayal. The hope should feel good but the feelings of pain are not ready to be evapourated away by the warmth of the day until the sun has risen higher in the sky - the gold of noon.
I'm glad you liked the piece on the universe. I think from your comments that we share many thoughts and feelings. Although we have come from different beginnings our paths have converged. The catholic church and the evangelical protestant church may seem worlds apart in some ways but their influence is just as strong. My problem - or one of them anyway! - is that they lay a burden of guilt on mankind and then say that the ONLY way to lift it is to believe what they say and follow their teaching. That doesn't work for me.
If you would really like to translate the piece I would love that. Please be sure though that you are not adding too much to your already busy life. I appreciate that if you would enjoy it then it's more like play than work so just choose the right time for yourself.
Actually, there is something that I would be very pleased if you could do for me when (if?) you have the time. I have a website which I later translated into Spanish and I'm aware that it's far from perfect. I'm not asking you to re-work the translation, that would be too much to ask. I am content that the site makes sense and that there are not any really dreadful errors that make it worse than useless. I'd be very glad if you could just take a look at the site sometime and let me know if there are things I need to change. The address is:
That takes you to the English site, just click on the Spanish flag to change to the Spanish site.
Thank you Mar, you are a very special person!
Incidentally, the website will also tell you some more about me!
Well, the storms seem to have gone away now and we have here a cloudless blue sky and warm sunshine. I just hope it can stay that way until the end of the month! We have now rented a car so that we can come and go as we please and be more flexible. Already it is making a big difference.
I love to read all that you have to say so don't be afraid to write whatever you want, it's never too long!
Hasta pronto my dear friend,
Hi el D
Maria Posted Feb 12, 2009
Hi Les,
Yes, finally the sun is shining! And I hope in all senses soon. Tomorrow, I´m going to Madrid again. HOpe they give the date of the operation as soon as possible.
I´m amazed by the work your wife and you are doing. That´s really hard and difficult. But highly rewarding if you can make a difference.
(Did you learn spanish in Filipines? It was a spanish colony.
My friend, I´ll help you with the translation. In summer, because, although it makes sense, it needs also to be "polished". Change words, add prepositions...etc.
I´ll do it with pleasure, not only because I want to be kind with you, also because It´s a way of "helping" to the issue. It´s really hard what those kids are going through. So, although it´s not much, I´ll contribute.
Usually, when I help my neighbour, we sit together before the computer, his wife brings us coffee or beer and made all the changes needed. I enjoy it. They are a charming couple. As, I have no doubt, you and your wife are.
It would be great we could do the same! but...
SO, this summer. I won´t have you by me, but as it´s translated in English, I´ll know what you want to convey. I will need your e-mail address to send you the translation in a Word document.
Neruda verses:
well, they are my translation, it´s faithful, but it has not much merit. Neruda is easy to translate because he talks about feelings. It´s not like Becquer, the rythm and the choice of words are unique. Not to mention Góngora or other barroc poets! their poems are untranslatable. You will miss all the magic.
Those verses I translated, came across while I was looking for another of his poems. He depicts the body of a woman like the earth, he is the man who works the soil...
I found the other poem and took only those verses.
Someone had written something a bit shocking about a dead body of woman... I´m sure that he didn´t intend to be upsetting. I remember having visited his PS and read about him having depressions. I wish him well.
How is Amelia doing? Send my regards, and push her to write something
Enjoy those wonderful sunny days
Hasta pronto
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 12, 2009
Hola Mar
First let me wish you a good and very satisfactory trip to Madrid tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you and sending you lots of positive energy! Lets concentrate on an early date and a good result. Sunshine inside and out, yes that's the thing!
More to come but I see you're online so I'll post this first.
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 12, 2009
Hi again!
Thank you for your kind words about the work in the Philippines. You're right, it was quite tough and disturbing to see kids locked up behind bars. There is some good stuff happening there too with lots of people working hard to bring about a change. I really appreciate your agreement to 'polish' the Spanish version of the website. That will be a very valuable contribution to our work - thank you so much!
By the way, I learned Spanish first in Ibiza when I worked there for a season - mi cunado has several businesses there and I went to manage one for him. That laid the foundations so to speak and then we went to Peru to do some voluntary work in a small rural community up in the Andes. Up there, no-one at all speaks English so it's a matter of survival to learn the language. It is mixed a little with Quechua but Spanish works very well.
In the Philippines they speak several different languages and although Spanish words appear frequently Tagalog and Cebuano are really quite distinct languages of their own. Fortunately English, or more correctly American!, is spoken fairly widely. Also we had a lot of support from some very good people.
It would be really good to sit with you and make the changes (and share a beer!) but that's clearly not going to happen - this time at least but who knows.... one day? Anyway my email is [email protected] and I'm happy for you to use that any time you like.
I managed to persuade Amelia to write a flippant little piece for the BP thread just to stop her brain from going rusty. I hope she will also put her mind to some more "real" poetry before too long. She passed a very pleasant day on the beach today resting her body, mind and spirit so she should be able to write again soon I hope!
OK, I think that's all for today so I'll wish you a very good night and an extra good day tomorrow!
Hasta pronto mia querida amiga
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 13, 2009
Friday tea-time
Quick visit to say hi and I hope your day has gone well my dear friend. I look forward to hearing your news and hope very much that it is good. My thoughts are with you Mar.
Lazy day today, coffee by the marina, now enjoying a nice hotel lounge.
Hi el D
Maria Posted Feb 13, 2009
about the beach
Lovely sunny day today, and more tomorrow
I´m glad you are having such a good time.
On Monday I´ll have my date, I hope. The results of the tests are ok.
I think I´m going to send you the powerpoint I did for Art. It isn´t so good as the mark says. I think they liked it because I suggested it to be applied for adults as a kind of therapy to help them "take out" some feelings. I related it to Angels Arrien test about "the sings of life" That´s interesting. I apply to some of my friends. All atheists or agnostic and enjoy it a lot. It´s an excuse to talk about how they feel on their projects, objectives, feelings...etc.
The test is very simple, you have to put in order of preference this shapes:
circle, triangle, spiral, square and equidistant cross (not the religious one) although I´ve learnt recently that the cross was originaly a equidistant one. It was taken from the astronomical chart. Jesus was identified with the sun´. Imagine a circle divided by a equidistant cross. Each half is a season. Think now on a picture of a Pantocrator. Above his head there´s a cross in a circle.
I find hard to understand that of concentrating on things to make them happen. I´m quite agnostic about it. I take your words as poetry. I like to look at a candle or to the full moon, half close my eyes to see the rays moving, I do it since I was a child. I do it sometimes and get relaxed. I think of nothing really.
I´m telling you a lot of intimate things that I never tell easily. The bit about my life for example. I refrain because people are really classist and surely they would look at me with disdain because I belong to a "low social class".
Hasta pronto, amigo mío.
Hi el D
Maria Posted Feb 14, 2009
Good morning my friend,
I forgot to say that I don`t think it is impossible to have that beer. Maybe you both could decide to visit Granada one day in summer, so... Never say never!
I also want to come back to England or Ireland for a short period. My oral English needs a lot to be polished! But not sure when or how. There`s the possibility of doing the teaching practice, for Primary, in an Irish school. But I need to arrange things with the university to have my daughter with me, I couldn`t be about 2 months without her!
It`s only an idea that I need to mature. My daughter is in a bilingual school, so it would be great for her too. There`s a grant, but it`s not enough. I would need to work...
Other option is forget that and go myself any summer for less time.
In any case, I like to think of that. It motivates me.
s and
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 14, 2009
Hola Mar!
That's good news about the tests, you must be very pleased that it can all go ahead now. I'm sure you'll let me know when you have a date. I do appreciate that you are being very open and sharing some personal thoughts, feelings and events in your life. I know we only "met" a short while ago but I promise you that you can trust me with those things. I don't really understand how it is that we can establish a rapport with some people and not with others, especially an internet friendship like this, but I'm prepared to trust that it works sometimes and when it does, it's good!
I emailed you about the glitch with the powerpoint so I hope to see that soon.
I think we should talk some more about 'sending positive thoughts' or 'holding in the light'. Maybe not now but sometime. It may not be as mysterious as you might think and you may actually be nearer to it than you think! Personally I don't think it has great religious significance and as I said a while back, I don't think I'm a religious person in the usual meaning people attach to that word. For now, leave it to me - I'm very happy to hold you in the light!
You mention polishing your oral English. I think I have the opposite problem with Spanish. Because I learned "in situ" by having to speak it, although I'm far from perfect, I can usually get away with it in conversation. If I make a mistake - WHEN I make a mistake! - I can usually work around it so that the other person gets the picture. It's when I come to writing it down that I'm in trouble! There it is, in black and white for all to see - and see what a mess I've made of it! Maybe I should take some proper lessons.
OK, I'm going to make that all for now. It would be easy to go on chatting but I should learn when to stop!
Hasta pronto mia amiga,
Hi el D
Maria Posted Feb 14, 2009
Hi Les,
I´ve just sent you the ppt. I had forgotten to add the doc!! Sorry.
My friend, I love that of you holding me in the light or me being in your kind thoughts. I appreciate it with the same affection as I do with my mother. I like it. As I told you before, the idea that someone thinks of you wishing well make me feel so good.
So far I have received from you a lot of kind words that have been a kind of positive balm for my mind. Could that be your "energy"? Me encanta Les
when I say I don´t share easily some aspect of my life, I mean in Real Life. Because here... My PS maybe tells too much about me. All the message and conversations I´ve had make me transparent. But I trust this place of h2.
Hi el D
el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums Posted Feb 14, 2009
I just emailed you again about the ppt. Don't know why my powerpoint doesn't like it! You could try saving it as a pps and see if that works. Sorry!
This is actually quite a public place of course so you might want to think of that before sharing something you are sensitive about. But I guess it also has a sort of safety about it that say MSN Messenger doesn't have where messages are private and vulnerable people might be tempted to go beyond what they would normally do. I think H2 is a good place too, I have some good friends here.
I have to go now but I shall be back to talk with you again very soon.
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Hi el D
- 61: Maria (Feb 6, 2009)
- 62: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 7, 2009)
- 63: Maria (Feb 7, 2009)
- 64: Maria (Feb 8, 2009)
- 65: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 9, 2009)
- 66: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 9, 2009)
- 67: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 9, 2009)
- 68: Maria (Feb 9, 2009)
- 69: Maria (Feb 10, 2009)
- 70: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 11, 2009)
- 71: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 11, 2009)
- 72: Maria (Feb 12, 2009)
- 73: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 12, 2009)
- 74: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 12, 2009)
- 75: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 13, 2009)
- 76: Maria (Feb 13, 2009)
- 77: Maria (Feb 14, 2009)
- 78: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 14, 2009)
- 79: Maria (Feb 14, 2009)
- 80: el D – for the sake of brevity and out of respect for my fellow Glums (Feb 14, 2009)
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