This is the Message Centre for honeycook


Post 41


Like the big red one at the top - it almost looks like it's got a face.

smiley - boing



Post 42


Time for me to hop off now.

But - it's FRIDAY tomorrow!!!!!!

smiley - hug

smiley - boing



Post 43


Quite right Uschi...will note that for future reference...thnks for joinng in our little alternative discussion...much appreciated...think socs is a bit piddled off that her internet gave up the ghost...she will be back tomorrow...hopefully...sleep well....welterusten...xxsmiley - loveblush


Post 44


Slaap lekker!!!


Post 45


smiley - boing

smiley - dragon

And Smileycarol catch smiley - flan.

What I do with the smileys is type the word i.e. < dragon > with no spaces.

Hit the preview message then click on any smiley and it will take you to where they live and then have fun messing about there.

You can edit the message when you are previewing the other one and either hit preview again or hit post if you are happy with it.

I cant believe I missed this one smiley - blackcat.


Post 46


Good evening to anyone around.

I have just returned from a very lonnnnnnng shift in the horspital and am a bit tired. Just thought I would pop in though and say 'Hi'
smiley - smiley

Nice to see you PSD. Thank you for the hints and tips re smileys etc. I am a techno-idiot so any such tips and hints are welcome!
smiley - blush Hope to see you again soon.

I am off now to eat my evening meal. Hope all is well with everyone


Post 47



smiley - boing



Post 48


Hello Grassy,How's you?smiley - biggrin


Post 49


Hi GH and Honey, have you enjoyed the wonderful weather?

I am an excited bunny as my Sister is coming to stay and I am taking her into London to Market Kitchen, we will get to meet all the chefs and try their food and maybe even get on the 'telly!!smiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - biggrin


Post 50


Hi Boo,
Gosh it's been hot...OK for us Boo with our Italian blood, but there are some sore folk wandering around here lately. two weeks non stop sun.Lovely...hope you have a nice time with your family, my brother is coming over from Scotland in 2 weeks and a friend from London has just left, so had a busy time..
Sorry I didn't see you last time you arrived here, I was on the phone and missed you..smiley - smooch


Post 51


Had a busy morning at w*** 2day - but it's lovely & sunny & I can wear me Summer jacket without freezing!

Walking down the street at 7am with the birdies singing away.

Clematis has started flowering too!

It's SPRING!!!!!!!

smiley - boing



Post 52


It's Summer here Grass the less clothing the better smiley - shhh


Post 53


I do suit the heat Honey and thanks to Dad I go dark brown! I have also seen some very red people, not sensible at all. I hope the weather holds here in the UK. Don't worry about me the other night, I just fancied throwing my toys out of the pram smiley - erm Still its nice to be here chatting now smiley - hug

I have had lots of these today and they were yummy...smiley - strawberries

Spring is certainly here GH, don't worry about having to work. I have in all 13 days off at the moment...smiley - discosmiley - nahnahsmiley - disco


Post 54


Haaa honey - are we up and running again?
smiley - biggrin

Grassy - you're not stripping are you??
smiley - cool

It's hot here...


Post 55


Hello Soca, how are you? Hope you haven't been working in this heat and have been enjoying the sunshine smiley - cool

I will let GH do the strip - I would scare you all away indefinately smiley - monster


Post 56


Grassy - you're not stripping are you??

smiley - yikes

Don't think I'll be stripping - might give the neighbours a fright smiley - yikes

smiley - rofl

Besides - I burn b4 I go brown.

smiley - boing


Post 57


A very huge smiley - spider has just run all the way down my screen.
I don't mind them at all but I hate the mosquitos who appeared last night and upset my dreams.
Little so and so's.
Socs. Come over here, it's even hotter.smiley - biggrin
Grass, my roses are out, two weeks early well the ones that are not covered in bugs are
Boo We have something to thank our ancestry for no burns at least hope not I was at the beach today and that is a whole different set of cover up rules smiley - run


Post 58


Off to find a cold drink promise I won't pray for rain smiley - cool


Post 59


Good ta Boo - working tomorrow but early start - early finish so shouldn't be too hot and bothered
smiley - smiley
Are you working? We have little ventilation at work so id does get a wee bit warm!

Honey - a 6 legged thing joined daughter in bath an hour ago. Scream??...that was just OH when she shot out the bathroom and asked him to move it
smiley - biggrin

Conveniently - I was in the garden!


Post 60


I'll have a Pimms and Lemonade please Honey. Slice of cucumber and ice if you please!!smiley - kiss

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