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Post 1


Ello ello, this is belgium calling...The netherlands nil points smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin
Oh erm no uh that's for saturday sorry lol smiley - winkeye
Well you've written a nice text there honey, the introduction one
I mean, surely beats my boring one smiley - smiley


Post 2


Hi Veeke,
Nice to see you..this is a bit easier than MSN..will have a go at that again tonight.. Can you post photos on here too, or is that not a good idea??smiley - laugh


Post 3


Mmmmmmmmmm no don't think you can post pics onto here...but am not
sure since I don't use this a lot and in my case it's for the best
piccies can't be put here haha smiley - winkeye

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