This is the Message Centre for HappyRaggyBear

mm, welcome from your ace...

Post 1

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Pleased to meet you smiley - ok!
smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing

I’m an Ace (acronym for Assistant Community Editor), meaning that I am here to make your acquaintances until you feel pretty comfortable smiley - biggrin! Care for a cup of smiley - tea? *Elwyn bustles about, setting out the smiley - coffee and smiley - oj too*

Well-come to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, lovingly referred by most Researchers as H2G2 or Hootoo smiley - wow!

I know you’re probably eager to start meandering your way around the plethora of interesting guide entries and snazzy journals on this site.

You’ve probably already noticed the smiley - cool introductions other Researchers are proudly displaying on their personal spaces. To make your personal space even more exciting, feel free to drop by <./>A690518</.>.

smiley - somersault

Take the <./>DontPanic-tour</.> to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

The H2G2 <./>Frontpage</.> is full of news and interesting titbits that are well worth the time for one to chuckle madly over. Also <./>ThePost</.> is an awesome read. By and by, we do have some <./>HouseRules</.> you definitely want to read just to make sure you know them.

So: if you have any questions or just want to talk with me, simply click ‘reply?button at the bottom of this message and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. smiley - cheerup

Get your inventory of <./>Smileys</.> that are able to pervade every conversation with cheer and silliness. It’s nice to spread the fun. Dazzle us, smiley - artist!

Bring yourself around to the PeerReview when you have the urge to read some entries or to submit your own smiley - 2cents. Remember to check out the <./>Writing-guidelines</.> so to get more of an idea how you can contribute to the Guide.

Thank you for joining our community. <./>Welcome </.> again! I hope that you enjoy your stay.


smiley - somersault
And remember - smiley - dontpanic!

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mm, welcome from your ace...

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