This is the Message Centre for beanbag
Hi from your ACE
TBC Started conversation Apr 7, 2004
Hi, I'm Skenvoy and I'm your <./>ACE</.>. That means that I'm here to help you find your way around the h2g2 community. Please have some
or whatever else you'd like!
I have made a page of useful links on the site which can be found here: A870707. On the page you will find links to all of the main help pages on the site as well as a few links to clubs and interesting places to go.
If you have any questions or queries, or if you just want to chat then please feel free to click the reply button at the bottom of the post. I hope you enjoy being a member of h2g2
Navigating over a flat planet
beanbag Posted Apr 7, 2004
Hi Skenvoy,
Just feeling my way round h2g2, totally lost, all is a fog at present. However, I am certain the mists will clear. Well done with your GCSEs. Maybe you can come to my university when you get your As. I work in Admissions, so have lots of info, not just about my uni but about getting in in general.
Navigating over a flat planet
TBC Posted Apr 8, 2004
I remember the sort of feeling of being lost on h2g2 when I joined... I was lucky in that a few of my friends had been on the site for a bit, though they hadn't been too active, still it did help a bit.
What uni do you work at? I've already started looking a bit but I still have no clue where to go and I'm not 100% sure what I want to do with my life!
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Hi from your ACE
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