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"There is no escape from the mass mind rape"

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Latest reply: Apr 23, 2004

Eastenders culture...

The Bible used to be our prison. The stories within it became our shackles. We were imprisoned by tales of eternal damnation, we were controlled by fear. But times have changed, the bible has little control over us now, and so the 'man' has devised a new way to keep his slaves in chains. All of our fears and nightmares are now manipulated by a box that sits in almost every corner of every living room in every Westernised country. We no longer fear hell. We are instead petrified of being murdered, robbed by knife weilding twelve year olds, raped, we fear our wives running off with our brothers mistress, we fear our children shooting their classmates for no real reasn. And these fears are portrayed and exaggerated with such vulgar eagerness by the T.V. producers. We watch with penetrating eyes and impressionable minds the horrible filth that comes from the imagination of evil minds, we absorb with daily frequency all the bad that the news relates to us, never able to avert our eyes from the farce that is human society. And then we wonder why everybody is so scared of everybody else? We laugh and we cry, unaware that our minds are being transformed into paranoid, angry demons.

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Latest reply: Apr 20, 2004

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