This is the Message Centre for GreeboTCat

Miscarriage of justice?

Post 1

dancinglady (Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way)

Hello Greebo,

Great page you have there!

I left a message towards the end of the 19.06.03 Post Word Play thread but it seems to have been overlooked. I just wanted to know why my word wasn't accepted last week. It was WAXERS and is in M.W.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Take care smiley - hug

Miscarriage of justice?

Post 2


Hi dl smiley - ok

I was just lurking ( as one does smiley - winkeye )

and I thought I would let you know the Greebo has not posted anything since Jan 28, 2003 smiley - wah

so I don't think you will get a answer very soon smiley - sadface

manda smiley - peacedove

Miscarriage of justice?

Post 3

dancinglady (Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way)

Oops, who do I complain to then about the post word play?

Miscarriage of justice?

Post 4


You could ask at <./>ThePost</.>

By The Way, what is a WAXERS smiley - erm

manda smiley - peacedove

Miscarriage of justice?

Post 5

Post Team

Hi all... erm... dancinglady sorry for not answering you here... me knows the problem has been sorted out now... so this conversation is a bit redundant... ~grin~

Hi... manda... ~huggle~ waxers according to M-W is a plural of a device used for applying wax... ~grin~


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