Journal Entries


We had training,which you expect in most big firms,i was ok with that and although the trainee was quite young,but very experience and knew her job well and was all for customer care,but when we saw her on site,she totally ignored us all,we might as well have been apart of the greasy fridges we had to scrub down and yet,there supposed to be cleaned twice daily.then we had to post leaflets and use our own cars,to promote our new opening hours..the very cheek.I'll probably get the sack,but i'm having my say on human rights PC..stands for Possibly Correct .smiley - ok

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Latest reply: Mar 22, 2008

northern sky

I never felt magic crazy as this
I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea,
I never held emotion in the palm of my hand.
Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree
But now you're here
Brighten my northern sky.

Would you love me for my money
Would you love me for my head
Would you love me through winter
Would you love me 'til i'm dead

OH if you would and you could
Come blow your horn on high.

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Latest reply: Mar 11, 2008


Bulls of both sexes make warm and considerate friends.They need close,intimate friends rather than loose and casual ones and prefer the company of individual pals to social gatherings.They are always generous and would prefer you to borrow from them,rather than owe you any favour,yet they are genuinely concerned for your welfare.
They need a lot of affection,bear hugs and cheek-kissing,rather than just a nod,both from friends of their own sex and platonic friends of the other.They like to feel comfortable and will make great efforts to make you always feel at home in their own nests.
If you ever need to phone for help,a Taurean is just the person to get you out of trouble,without getting het up,but they may take their time getting there.

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Latest reply: Mar 11, 2008

Love my mom but i don't like her very much.

I haven't spoke to my mom for 5 years,i gave her a few home truths,she never took kindly too,anyway i bumped into her a few months ago and we met up ever so often for a coffee and it was smiley - erm ok,then i arrange for her to meet the one grandchild she had never seen,who is 4 years old,i wish i had never made the contact,mother has never been a loving parent,hence the fallout,we sat in a cafe where mother goes every week and when she saw my little granndaughter,there was no hugs(which i expected) but what annoyed me and i regret ever having any contact again with this cold woman,was,my granddaughter picked up this i dunno glittery thing on the table,my mother said,'oh no you can't mess with that,the lady will tell you off..AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH..I LOST reply was,anyone tells MY 4 YEAR OLD OFF will suffer smiley - laugh severly..i would kill for less FACT!

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Latest reply: Dec 25, 2007

There really is a Santa

I had the best christmas smiley - gift that was priceless smiley - biggrin Hadn't seen my 4 year old granddaughter in over 3 months,due to having cross words with my son (which i won't bore you with) anyway,due to me unable to make contact,via phone and visits to his home,the only option was her school,i was desperate to see my granddaughter,i met daughter-in law at the school,we hugged,but never had chance to speak,as my granddaughter came running upto me,hugging,kissing and laughing....then when she spoke ( i wanted to cry) her first words were "Nanny,i'm not allowed to come to your house,'cos daddy said! But i haven't been naughty nanny!...smiley - sadface

Good news,i got a little girl coming to pick up some presents on sunday and maybe we will sit and watch ET,for the umpteenth time or perhaps (if WE are feeling energetic) dance to Kylie..smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - biggrinsmiley - discosmiley - crackersmiley - disco
smiley - peacedove

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Latest reply: Dec 19, 2007

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