This is the Message Centre for alzima

Hello Al

Post 1

Geordie Girl

I just noticed you were on line so thought I'd leave you a message.

Have just read on something on the CB that Scott has gone to radio rewind or something like that. I think it's about radio 1 mainly so it should be right up his street! (Sorry if I sound harsh but I do wish these youngsters who complain about R2 would stay away! They've got the majority of the radio stations already.)

I miss the good times we used to have on the boards but as things settle down I'm hopeful things will get better.

I'll be over in the CB tomorrow and will put the coffee on so maybe see you there!

Helen smiley - smiley

Hello Al

Post 2


Hi GG,

I was just telling FLYBYNIGHT that I have had problems trying to post on the CB board. Some error with my provider they say.. I shall have to wait until my lovely daughter in law comes around to sort it out for me, (don't know anything about pooters see..just a silly old fart who has been left behind by the technological age !!!)

I'm glad all that nastiness has gone from the boards, I know that there are still differences of opinion, but at least it is all very far !

May try the CB again in a minute...if I can get in I'll take you up on that coffee, or maybe something a little stronger.

Best wotsits


PS. Sorry this reply is about 22 hours late.

Hello Al

Post 3

Geordie Girl

Hi Al

There's some white wine going the rounds so just help yourself if you can get throught the door.

I'm afraid I've been fighting in the R2 as JYY has put it! I took offence to being seen in the same mould as SC (shock horror!) for saying that R2 should not have to cater for teenagers. I'll ignore the poster in future but I felt a little insulted to say the least. I mean I've never posted a schedule in my life!

See you later Al.


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