This is the Message Centre for alzima
Morning Al
U643499 Started conversation Mar 13, 2004
Good morning. Welcome to the world of who the hell knows what's happening.
Morning Al
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 13, 2004
Hi Al and welcome abroad our bound who know's where! Well spotted JYY!
You are a saw you were in last night doing a bit of sweeping.
If everyone just subscribes to the forums it makes life quite simple.
Ho hum must go and do a big shop
Lots of
Morning Al
U643499 Posted Mar 13, 2004
Afternoon all.
Just done my big shop and making a picnic to take to the wildlife farm and park.
Spilled oil from a can of tuna all over my jeans and the floor, so not happy. Saw I had a message, and just had to reply.
Off again
Morning Al
alzima Posted Mar 13, 2004
Thanks JYY & the others
This is all very confusing, but at least I'm in now.I haven't got time to contribute much at the mo. but I shall be watching, and then when I feel confident enough ,I'll pounce.(I'm such a quiet retiring type really)
Morning Al
U643499 Posted Mar 14, 2004
Hi Al
I flipped tonight and pounced on some idiot on JV.
Oh, got that off my chest then.
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Morning Al
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