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Infocom Games

Post 1


They rock, don't they? All of them. Does anyone think that text adventures will ever make a "real" comeback? I hope they do.

Infocom Games

Post 2


I was brought up on text adventure games on the Spectrum... happy days! It was more interesting than books (though it was obviously reading (and thinking)), and gave me life-long keyboard skills (even if they were rubber. Rod Pyke was a favourite of mine - with Dracula and Wolfman etc.. Gotta go now - but which way?
N - I cannot go in that direction.
E - A fallen tree blocks my path.
S - The heavy oak door appears to be locked, or stuck.
W - I wander deeper into the forest, the black of night draws heavier around me.

Infocom Games

Post 3


I, too, learned to type after playing "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" over a two-year period during 3rd and 4th grade. I think that's how every child should learn to type; not only would they learn to efficiently tap away at the keys, but they'd also learn problem solving and frustration management skills.

smiley - smiley

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