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Were you a St Georges Day babe?

Post 1

Geordie Girl


Is it my imagination or did you say that it was your birthday on our patron saints day? If so a double celebration needs to be arranged....


Were you a St Georges Day babe?

Post 2

Phillip Phlopp

Hi Aitch

I am indeed. I share it with William Shakespeare, forsooth. And verily it's going to be a half-a-century.

They say that 50 is the new 40 and I really hope that this is the case because life certainly didn't start for me ten years ago!!

I am busy today getting the house back in order because Val is coming back from Germany tomorrow (having taken our granddaughter back home after a month's holiday with us).

She will miss the kids terribly but she is bone tired. She went out to Germany at the end of January. had a couple of weeks there, I went out and came back with Val and Ella, she had a month here with a two year and a half year old and then a further 10 days out there helping daughter and the two kids. She will be getting a good rest when she comes back.

We are on a promise that we can have one or more back next month. My son-in-law will be returning from a 6 month stint in Kosovo and my daughter thought it might be a nice idea for them to have some time to theirselves (for reasons that escape me). I did remind her that we looked after Ella for a week or so for similar reasons when she was a year old and that resulted in grand daughter number two but, hey, who cares? No us, for sure.

Haven't seen much of you on the JV Board - were you fed up with Mad Mandy as well over the last fortnight?


Were you a St Georges Day babe?

Post 3

Geordie Girl

Hi Neil

I thought my mind wasn't playing tricks! What are you planning in the way of celebrations?

I've this picture in my mind of you dashing around with the duster and the hoover or the dyson (can't see that name becoming the norm, doesn't have the right ring somehow!) Hope you've left no evidence of the wild parties...

I can well imagine Val will be tired, she seems to have been on the go for months travelling back and forth. My cousin's husband is home from Iraq at the moment on extended leave due a cartilege op. not sure when he has to go back. He's with REME and was in Gulf W1 when he was injured so came home.

I sort of got out of touch with JV's board last week. Partly due to That Woman and the place seemed a bit disorganised after Dalek's departure. Dan is a female too (she was on the Drivetime board a while back.) but doesn't seem to really want to make her presence felt. I got involved with the Radio Reynolds threads in the CB, hope you saw that Phlopp House got a mention in the traffic report on the Open Day!

Did you vote for the best open line yet? I hope Sting doesn't win. I don't know why but he really gets on my nerves these days. I used to work with his sister Angie just when he was becoming famous and she used to be quite embarrassed about him! She's so down to earth and daft as a brush.

Thank goodness Jeremy's back and normal service has been restored. I would like to have heard his stance on some of the topics over the last fortnight. I didn't think today's would be much good with the suicide special but although I didn't listen as intently as usual I picked up on a comment that reminded me of a girl I once worked with. She tried to commit suicide and left me a letter which I still have. It was a cry for help. Don't know why but he just seems to get you thinking of things you normally wouldn't. I'm rambling now....

Must try to think of some appropriate songs for Friday. Have you got your St Georges Day post planned yet?

Bye for now.


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