This is the Message Centre for Phillip Phlopp

Website e-mail photo thingy

Post 1



Clicked around your website - all looked fine & dandy this end - then I clicked on the doggy pic to e-mail you and, of course, the dreaded library security message appeared...

"Outgoing e-mail unavailable" the library system supposedly only supports free e-mail services.

Of course, there's plenty of stuff you can't do with these oh-so-secure library terminals - such as look up info about the Dixie Chicks, who are prohibited on here because of the 'offensive' word at the end of their name.

Then again, you search the library system for something truly innocuous, like for instance 'Chubby Nazi ferret porn', and hey presto, hundreds of results returned!

Rich smiley - sheep

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Website e-mail photo thingy

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