This is the Message Centre for Phillip Phlopp


Post 1


What a pity Don can't be with us. I know he has a Schott.


Post 2

Phillip Phlopp

Maybe he will catch on - I will drop a clue or two if I see him on the Coffee Bar.

Enjoy your lunch (twff, twff, twff as HL might say)


Post 3


While browsing Tesco's finest range for lunch, a thought struck me.

Are we going to reply to the same question ?


Post 4

Phillip Phlopp

Tesco's? Fibber. You're a KwikSave girl.

I will be back at noon after I've seen the vet. The first post that catches my eye gets it.


Post 5


Nonsense. I'd rather die than be seen in a Kwik Save.

Good luck at the vets. Those bills are very painful.


Post 6

Pond Girl

Hi Peeps,smiley - biggrin

Can I be in your gang?

I haven't got a Schotts does it matter?

I do have some lovely Chionodoxa smiley - cheerup

Gertrude "Pee Gee" Jeckyll smiley - cool


Post 7


You can be in our gang. But, you have to have a Schott's Miscellany to play. Page 150 is full of Mrs Beeton's maxims. (Yes that's what it says) See if there are any on google.
But you'll get the drift once PP starts posting with or without a Schott ! He's first, I'm second so you'll have to be third !

Please, PG, do me a favour and send Familiar Friend a reply on Coffee Shop. The carrots (or carot) is doing his head in, to coin a phrase.



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