This is the Message Centre for Phillip Phlopp

Hello and Welcome!

Post 1

Geordie Girl


See you've made it over the borders! I'm still pretty baffled by the whole thing but perhaps this time next year .... well who knows!

Must smiley - run see ya


Hello and Welcome!

Post 2

Phillip Phlopp

Ta Aitch, sorry GeeGee

It's a bit wossname innit?

Is it a one to one place or is there a chat room?


Hello and Welcome!

Post 3

Researcher U634370

Well spotted H oh you have to smiley - laugh

See you all later. Have you been to Comfort Corner yet? Havn't seen you there.

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fish

Hello and Welcome!

Post 4

Geordie Girl

The GG is just a decoy to ward off certain lurkers but maybe I should change it. Bit of a rush job!

I'm no wiser really than you but just go plodding along!

See ya later

Aitch.smiley - biggrin

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