This is the Message Centre for Rich_Dee

Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 1


I can find smiley - sheep but can't find a goat (that's my Chinese sign - think they were having a bit of a giggle!)

Hope you are well + have a lovely weekend!

smiley - somersault

Bc smiley - sleepy

Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 2



Goat = Ram = smiley - sheep

Baaa, welcome to the club!


Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 3


smiley - sheep it is then.

New club member ey!

smiley - wow

Hope Saturday is fun fun fun for Rich.


Bc smiley - wizard

Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 4



You alive?

Bc smiley - wizard

Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 5


Alive? Just barely!

Jen still seems to think we are the same person, and I've given up trying to convince her otherwise...


Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 6


Oh! Me too!

I don't understand her train of thought. Seems all my efforts to convince her were in vain.

Well! So be it!

Have a nice weekend, Rich!


PS- Reading Robert Goddard's 'Play to the end'.smiley - smiley

Take care, you smiley - sheep

Bye smiley - oksmiley - run

Bc smiley - wizard

Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 7


Just finished Joyce Carol Oates's "The Falls" - literary family saga set in a fictional Niagara city between 1950 & 1978. Plot also features a radioactive dumping scandal - chilling portrayal of how the illegal business practices of the 1940s & 50s were protected by the Old Boys' Network...


Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 8


Hi Rich

I'll certainly give it a try!

Have a nice week

Bc smiley - wizard

Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 9


Hi Rich!

How are you these days? Please don't leave. I'm sure Jen has finally figured out Bc is not Rich. I still don't understand why she thought it in the first place. Don't think our 'profiles' are so much alike!
Maybe it was all the reading! Don't really knowsmiley - erm

Are you still in that Oprah-book-club? Have a whole pile of books 'to be read' including something about the history of esperanto. (Broad horizoned me ey smiley - laugh)

I don't know if you've been over at the CB lately, but I am still job hunting. Bad times now smiley - sadface, so unlike when I started 5 years ago. It was raining jobs then.smiley - smiley
All the applying, and then the no, sorry, we already have someone is SO tiresome. But luckily I have wonderful support from my family, so I won't give up!

Hope the pumpkins are doing well!smiley - laugh However, my gran is complaining about the weather preventing her from working in the garden.smiley - biggrin. Oh no, don't trample with her garden, or it's war smiley - biggrin

Going to feed the cats now.

Take care and have a very nice Sunday, smiley - sheep!
smiley - oksmiley - run

Bc smiley - wizard

Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 10



Pumpkins are fine - very orange inside, and full of seeds for next year.

Been decorating recently, so haven't been spending much time at the library.

Sorry to hear about the job searching - maybe PG has a vacancy for a sausage taster or something?!


Rich, where is the sign for goat?

Post 11


Hi Rich,

Stepmom Bc wants to start pumpkin soup meals on wheels I guess smiley - smiley
It IS nice though, especially in this cold weather!

What are you decorating? We had a 'make-over' in our house recently and it has really improved. Warmer and cosier now. Yellow, red and orange. Bit of adjusting first, but it's definitely better than before!

See you later, take care and enjoy the autumn!smiley - biggrin

Bc smiley - wizard

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