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Bedtime story part 13

Post 1


In order to adjust the time gap between the two storylines, let us just say that David went home supporting Victoria's head. Afterwards they went to bed.

Jen and Fly were up early. The orphan was luckily too young to have bags under her eyes. She felt sleepy but wouldn't give up. She even blinked continuously to stay awake. Poisson D'Or was waiting in the little kitchen. The two girls, with Passepartout , had a seat and admired the elaborate breakfast banquet.
'So, girls, had a good night?'
'Just fine' affirmed Jen.
'And you, Catharina, been bugged by more ghosts? WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Fly wanted to toss the split pineapple off Poisson D'Or's head but could control herself.
To avoid a quarrel, the dancer beckoned Passepartout.
'Well, P., what's the schedule for today? See, Jen, I'm teaching all day long!'
The little man rolled out a large parchment. '9AM breakdancing for people with dislocated hips 11AM Charleston for 90+ people 1PM How to clean a house while figure skating 3PM pause 4PM dance yourself dizzy like a dervish for advanced learners 6PM Tai-chi for rheumatic grandfathers 8PM Private belly dancing hour.'
Jen was amazed, Fly was still blinking.
The dancer spoke. 'Girls, I suggest you refresh yourselves. I think you're leaving today. Am I right?'
Jen hesitated 'I don't know. I have to check.'
'OK. Have you obtained what you came here for?'
'Yes, Poisson D'Or, all safe with me now. Fly, when you have finished that bun, we'll go get our things!'
Fly blinked yes.

Lady R. opened the little ant farm's curtains and wished her insects good morning. Jeeves came in with coffee and croissants.
'Thank you, Jeeves. Have you received more information on Betsy's death?'.
'No, m'lady. The Backwardhams are coming back today.'
'Oh well. Jeeves, that'll be all. I'm not in for anybody, and I especially mean that odd couple. You can stay downstairs until you're called for.'
'Thanks, m'lady'.

Meanwhile David and Fly had arrived with a giant pencil and a shovel. They walked up to the tree where Betsy's body was.Vic wondered that it was remarkable the girl could keep so still. David had to remind her Betsy was dead.

The princess and her friend were sitting in the tiny 'bedroom'. Jen took the walkie-talkie and pressed VOX.
'Yes, princess?'
'Rich, must we leave now?'
'Depends, have you got the letter?'
'OK, you can move on then. Next stop Pondopolis. It's still in Tzatzikistan, in fact if you keep walking at an average pace, you'll get there in the afternoon. Signposts are numerous, so it should be easy.Ask for Pond girl.'
'Oh, Jen, before I forget, maybe I won't be around for a day or so. An upsetting thing happened in Taramasalatania. I have to go there.'
Jen felt the tears coming.
'Oh my God Rich, is it ... my mother?'
'No, Jen, a servant called Betsy has been murdered. Probably a jealous boyfriend or something.'
'How scary! She was kind of a newbie, wasn't she?'
'Rich, I'm really worried now. Is my mother safe? I don't trust that black widow at all!'
'Jen, when I get there, I'll be keeping an eye on her, rest assured. If she doesn't want to see me, I'll bomb the place!'
'Oh Rich no'
'Easy, Jen, only a figure of speech. I've been thinking, Jen, this lady really intrigues me. Your father must have had good reasons for letting her stay there.'
'What...Blackmail? Hang on, could she be Lorelei?'
'No Jen, way too old. I'm sure there's something about her, just can't put my finger on it. Somehow I think she has a dark secret and I don't think she has anything to do with the line of succession. But why is she there? Must find that out..Jen, take care and give my love to Fly'
'Rich, be careful, over'

In the shadow of a cypress a man known by the name of POISON IVY was also talking to someone.
'They're leaving today, so my guess is they'll be going to Pondopolis.
Oh, I scared the orphan tonight. Thought she had seen a ghost. And the dancer blaming it on the burka babes HA HA HA.'
'You did what? POISON IVY, don't blow it now.'
'Only having a bit of fun.'
'Ok, but don't push it too far. Keep your jokes to a minimum and stay close.'
'I will, don't worry. Over'

It then happened that Fly, to stay awake of course, was on top of the building. Admiring the view, her eyes glided over the cypresses ..and she saw him. Fly pinched herself. Surely she wasn't dreaming now. She shuddered at the sight of him. He stared her hard in the face and even had the audacity to wave...


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Bedtime story part 13

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