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Bedtime story part 5

Post 1


Jen eagerly awaited the sound of the chimes, heralding midnight. When she heard the first TING, she grabbed her things and stole out of her room, went downstairs cautiously yet at a fast pace and let herself out through the servants kitchen-door.
Leaving the castle was not hard at all, finding her way from now on was much harder. She only had a tiny torch and a pale blue moon to guide her. Apart from that everything was pitch-black. Jen had a last peep at the castle. Titicaca Towers at night looked ghastly and haunted, thought Jen. One could hear a pin drop.
The princess shivered and tried to reach the lawn, where she could fasten her steps.
Somehow she located the shrub Rich had selected. Jen whispered 'Prishka!' and was glad to recognize a familiar voice.
'Well, Cinderella, it's a bit late for a cuppa...

Then again, you're here now..could have nice campfire... haven't had one of those for ages...'

Perky's voice had a soothing effect on Jen. He never lost his cool, that man. The princess gradually relaxed.

'Come come, Jen...

Already have a lady visitor...

Might just know her...'

Behind a yew not far off, Fly was heard moaning 'Perky, must I sit here much longer. My legs are getting crampy.'
'Fly!'. Jen's heart warmed.
'Jen', sobbed Fly who had left her hiding place by now ,'I've missed you so much!'
They ran into each other's arms and hugged.
Perks coughed.
'Never one to spoil the great scenes of life... only... must give instructions now... Don't want to vex Rich, do we?...'
Jen disentangled herself from Fly's arms and turned to Perks.
'Then tell us what to do, Perks'
'Jen, know Pomegranate Patch?'
Jen nodded in the affirmative.
'Go there and stay there... Rich'll get in touch'
Fly took the initiative of saying her fond farewells to Perks. Jen followed, and the girls embarked on their great adventure.
After ten minutes, Perks returned to his garden-house. Daylight being totally absent, no one had noticed the dim silhouette moving like a thief in the night...

The two girls wasted no time. They walked and ran till they arrived at the Pomegranate Patch. The Pompat, as it was called by the locals was a sort of giant playground. Jen - like all other kids - had spent almost the whole of her childhood there, together with Fly. No wonder she could instinctively find her way back to their former secret cave, where she used to share her secrets with the orphan.
Jen was relieved to have a seat at last. She did wonder where Fly was, she obviously had trouble keeping up with her. Five minutes later, Fly came into the cave - heavily panting - and fell down.
'Fly, are you alright?'asked a worried Jen.
'PANT yes PANT couldn't be better PANT'
Jen found a place to hang her torch, and started to unload her laundry bag. She had a few articles with her, namely: energy cookies family-pack, a Swiss pocket-knife, her walkie-talkie,a pen and notebook and a bottle of water. She unscrewed the top and let Fly have a little sip.
Then something caught Jen's attention: the sack Fly had carried was a gift for Cristo should he ever want to wrap up the whole of London.
'What's in the bag?'
'Oh.. PANT ... just a few things..'
'Let me see! Oh my God Fly - we don't need fart cushions! nor glossy magazines! Blimey, even a barrel of 25-year old port!'
Jen was getting really cross now.
'Jeeeez Jen PANT if it bothers you that much I could leave a few things behind'
'A few things behind? You can pick one or two articles!'
'Okay - but you've got to let me have my book'
Fly almost broke and Jen felt guilty.
'Look, Fly, I don't want to fight. I need you now, more than ever'
The two friends soon made up and Fly agreed to read from her book 'Throw Anna, Karen and Nina from the train'.
Fly was just finishing chapter one, with Jen as attentive listener when both heard the snapping of twigs.
The girls were alarmed. Fly was the first to speak. 'Jen, do you think we're being followed?'
'No Fly, probably just a hedgehawk or something'
Jen tried hard to convince herself as well.
'Hey what's that?' Fly pointed.
'That's a walkie-talkie. Rich gave it to me. Look, when you press the VOX-button you can speak. Rich is on the other side and can hear you - when you're done you let go of the button and you hear Rich -simple as that'
'So, who's first then, Jen? You or Rich?'
'God Fly, I'm afraid I can't remember!'
Fly, impetuous as ever, grabbed the walkie-talkie and started 'Bebopelula ta ta ta'
'Fly, how are you?'
The poor girl looked as if she had seen a ghost and almost dropped the contraption. The wonder of hearing Rich's voice through that apparatus!
Jen kindly removed Fly's hand from the walkie-talkie and put it in between them.
'Hi Rich! We're fine and safe in the Pompat.
Fella, you've got some explaining to do'
'Yes Jen, and I hope you're both seated!'


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Bedtime story part 5

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