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Bedtime story part 4

Post 1


Before we go back inside, dear reader, take one last look at the lawn. Now direct your eyes towards that oak yonder, in the direction of the Versailles- replica- gardens. Notice anything? No? C'mon, try a little bit harder.
There, if you look very carefully, you'll see a snippet of white behind the oak. Looks like a fragment of a cap. Let's see what it is.
By Jove, it's Betsy, the servant girl! What is she doing sitting behind the oak? Probably enjoying the sunshine.
She's reaching for something in her apron. What could that be?
Oh, we know what that is, don't we? She has a walkie-talkie too!
Will she get in contact with a friend? She's pressing the VOX-button now.
Let's hear what she has to say!
'CHERRY BLOSSOM is listening. What is it, Betsy?'
'The professor has given one of these walking talkers to the gal. And I overheard their little talk. 'Parently she's escaping tonight with that orphan. My laddie is an orphan too, boss, only we had a bit of a fight yesterday, he said goodnight mon amie, says I hang on who's Amy?'
'Sorry, boss'
'Now Betsy, your job ends here. There's a nice reward waiting for you.'
'Anything else, boss? I mean who's gonna stop'em? I'm only a gal and there's two of 'em'
'Silly Betsy, you're not doing anything to prevent their escape. Let them take a little tour and when they think they're safe we're gonna play Here kitty kitty...'
Don't worry, everything's been taken care of, other people will track them down. You just dream about what to do with your reward, Betsy'
'Thanks boss'
'You're welcome - OVER'
Betsy started daydreaming about taking a bath filled with golden coins.
The poor soul!
Let us return to the castle.

Rich had ordered Jeeves to collect his things, so all he had to do now was say goodbye to Jen.
'Jen, this is it. I may never see Titicaca Towers again'
'Rich, don't talk like that!'
'Cheer up Jen. I know you're in for a great adventure, but you'll get help, don't worry. In fact, you'll be hearing from me this night.'
Rich winked.
'My favourite princess, please say hi for me to your mother. How is she?'
'Getting worse'
'I'm sure she 's in safe hands with Dr. Seringe'
'Let's hope so'
Their talk was interrupted by Lady R., still upstairs, screaming 'JENNIFER!'.
Rich laughed 'Think about it, Jen, only one more day in her company!
Wonder why she wouldn't come downstairs, I never actually got to see her face'
'Lucky bastard!'
Rich gave Jen a friendly kiss, whispered 'remember, midnight!' and lipped 'must dash'.
Exit Rich.

Jen climbed up the stairs, meanwhile inventing all sorts of excuses for her long talk with Rich, in case Lady R. should have grown suspicious.
The princess was totally prepared and resumed her seat opposite Lady R.
This old lady didn't seem to be the least bit curious about Rich.
'Ah Jennifer, there you are, look, I re-decorated the little ant's room.'
'Erm... how nice'
Jen felt relieved. All she had to do now was wait.
She had time enough to ponder and activate her numerous grey cells. Not getting any wiser, she asked leave to see how her mother was doing.
Lady R., being in a good mood, consented.
Alexandra lay dormant. Jen sat down, caressed her hair and gave her a little kiss. She ran out of the room, felt tears welling in her eyes but could keep them under control.
The hours were not fleeting at all, the minutes crept by like they didn't feel like passing. Jen ate her meal and went to bed early.
Fortunately for Jen Nature held on to her routine and finally night fell.


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Bedtime story part 4

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