This is the Message Centre for U643499

All gone

Post 1


Hi Jen

I think everybody's dead.
Saw you were online, so wonder if you know where they've all gone.

How are things with you? Stll bl. hot here, not a drop of rain, garden is parched, unlike me, I'm keeping well irrigated.

Did you see all the probs. I've had with my computer? Seems to have settled down again now. If there were gremlins and we've seen them off, isn't it a pity we can't get at them with a poker or something. I see them as little green monsters with spears. Oh! I think there's one now. Swaaaattt.
Oh, I'm in a daft mood, can you guess? Maybe I'm on the turn, like milk before a thunderstorm. Going orff, as they say.

Good grief, I'd better stop this. As John Cleese wold say: "It's all getting very silly"

Have a good night.

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

All gone

Post 2


Did our posts clash ?

Just pouring myself a very large red wine for medicinal purposes. Been out swimming with my friend so in dire need of a shower as chlorine is not particularily aromatic is it !! My husband's not keen on the smell either.

Yes, I have been reading about your clusters. Made me laugh. I've been reading most things, but can't think of a deal to say. Much too hot.

Watering my poor hydrating little plants. God knows what my water bill is going to be.

I know what you mean about a daft mood. I get very silly, which is why I am going to phone a couple of my friends and see if they can put up with me.

Just thrown all the windows open and the back door too. The outside lights are on so no doubt I'll come down to those great big moths. The little kitten cat loves them. Yuk !

I was telling Rich Dee that I actually managed to finish a book. About the first one this year. It was The Lovely Bones. I did enjoy it. Rich tells me the author's follow up is about rape based on her personal experience.
Do not fancy that at all !!


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