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4th Aug

Post 1

Geordie Girl

Hi Jen

Well how was your holiday? I bet the time just flew over, I know our few days did. I've been lagging behind ever since I got back and the way things are going I may just catch up the week before Christmas! We had lovely weather while we were away and got to Dartmouth which was lovely and the shops... well I could have spent loads but was good (for once!)

Thank you for your birthday message, I had a lovely day just relaxing as our friends are away so will go out when the get back. I roared with laughter when I saw the Maggie May request! Did you see PP's message on JV? My 30th!!! My Dad even phoned me (rather than the other way around for a change) so I think he's definitely making progress and was not aggressive so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.smiley - smiley

Am up early this morning as they have changed runways and with the humidity and the windows open the aircraft seemed noisier. I've got to go to Stockport or the Trafford centre to return a radio that isn't working properly. Why does nothing you buy work these days, I'm not in the mood for shopping.

Thanks also for your message yeaterday on JV. I was a bit apprehensive of posting about the hurricane and it felt like having homework to give in for a certain time! I can't keep up with the boards at the moment yet don't seem to have a lot of other things on either. Must be the heat.

The lettuce are all but finished now but Peter's really chuffed with his sweet peas this year. I've 2 vases of them at the moment and the scent is almost overpowering in the morning.

Are you dancing at the moment or do you have a summer break?

Well must dash.

Speak soon.


4th Aug

Post 2


Morning Helen.

Glad I made you laugh with the song, but it was only afterwards that I realised it could have been a bit cheekysmiley - erm. But glad you took it in the right spirit !

Saw PP's comments about it being your 30th. What is he like. Is Bc trying to 'court' you as wellsmiley - biggrin

Glad you enjoyed your holiday and I'm pleased the weather was good. Makes all the difference doesn't it. I have just about caught up on my washing and ironing. What a nightmare. We had a lovely time and are now thinking of going off again. Perhaps to Spain.

Your topic was very good. I realised that I haven't properly visited the JV board for ages, and was surprised to see that the great man himself has been writing again ! I think it was a bit of a cheek to ask someone to turn off their mobile, plus I don't think it would have happened it the other person had been male. Does that make sense ?
I don't type as fast as I'm thinking and sometimes I realise what I've said is total gibberish.

I do envy your sweet peas. I planted some from Tesco in a tub and they've all died. Mind, they had passed their sell by date when I bought themsmiley - sadface Penny wise pound foolish I think it's called.

Good luck with the shopping trip. It's beautiful here, sunshine and blue sky. Still dancing, but not for the last 2 weeks because of hols and other commitments. I need to do a bit more exercise as I have put on 3lbssmiley - wah Not good.

Speak soon, glad dad is on the mend,



4th Aug

Post 3

Geordie Girl

Hi Jen

Just come in from the garden for a breather, it's too hot out there right now, so thought I'd write to you.

Haven't done much at all this week as I feel totally disorganised must be age!! Had an SOS from my friend with marriage probs. They are in Italy and she was desperate to get home early and asked if I could get her a flight. No luck unless she was willing to pay £514 one way, so she decided to stay put as they are coming home today anyway. It hadn't helped that it had been raining for 3 days. They are by Lake Garda. She sounded desperate so was worried, she phoned me back next day feeling a bit better.

I thought it was only who can't type as fast as I think!
I think you are the main topic of BC's attentions! Don't know if you have read the R2 board lately but Phil 1 who I think I had a run in with months ago keeps asking how I am when he's replied to a post! I was quite surprised to say the least. I was sure JV's phone thing would somehow end up in the show the next day but no mention. You're right about it not have happening if it were 2 males! As he's away I might get something done!

Peter is talking about holidays so I'll have to give it some thought.

Our neighbours are all away so it's lovely and peaceful, not that they are rowdy but their boy seems to attract everyone else in the neighbourhood.

Didn't buy much at all just got my new radio sorted out. The place was swarming with kids screaming so I beat a hasty retreat as soon as I could and made a mental note to go early in the morning the next time!

Did you see DG's tale about his visit to the cinema after PP's announcement that he was going. I think it must tbe the heat because I couldn't think of anything witty to say.

Must go as my hands are sticking to the keys! Glass of wine time I think!smiley - bubbly

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


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