This is the Message Centre for U643499


Post 1



What ARE you doing, my benevolent benefactress?

You've been eavesdropping haven't you? Your earmark (tiny little earkins) is on Bc's enigmatic door. And then running away ah!
No buts, young lady! Oh, I can't stay angry and you know it.

Bc still fond of millimetred Mata-Hari, rest assured.

smiley - smoochsmiley - run

XXX smiley - winkeye


Post 2


Au Contraire, my fluffy flemish friend. I would never leave as much as a paw print.

HOWEVER, I have seen your dalliances in the coffee shop. Rumour has it you're anybody's walnut whip.smiley - biggrin

Have a good day mon brave,

smiley - tongueout


Post 3


My little sinister spy,

I know Jen wants to have cake called Bc all to herself.
Only natural, Jen muse of flesh and blood.
However, young yummypants (Me) has to be like mummy bird - feeding every birdie 1 compliment worm - to them it's a banquet on which they can feed for hours - see? - it's all a distraction game and when all ladykinsies are concentrated on their heart-RENDING dish, Bc can kidnap Jen to the dark corners of h2g2 and ruffle her hair for eternity.

No, of course you didn't eavesdrop/ drop eaves? that's not your style, however you have left an eyelash in the keyhole and Bc-neighbour-granny very angry about 'JENNIFER YORKE YORKE WAS HERE'-graffiti on the wall in the hall! What have you done? Right now there are scary bobbies here confining us - they draped 'Police line- do not cross' around us and I wouldn't dare (neither would granny). While I'm stuck in Bc-flat I'm working on bedtime story for Jen - coming out soon.

My cryptic crossword, I want a word with you!

smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye Bc


Post 4


smiley - erm

P89 L34 6th W ?


Post 5


Whatever you say, my love!
smiley - smooch to start Wednesday
My petite pina polada (c not fitting in alliteration)
Take care
smiley - cakesmiley - tea


Post 6


P12 L13 last one. C'est tu ?

Thinking of the Beatles song. I thought I knew you, what did I know ?


Post 7


Say, don't you go to bed early !


Post 8


I know, my little colosseum, but Bc has strict self-discipline: next week I'm going to the job office for test of languages and I'm sort of preparing: English is quite good, French as well, German not good at all I'll just have to freestyle, Spanish fruitfully finished advanced learning course, Italian almost finished course, Portuguese just starting and then there's my copywriting course (so much fun) - if it made money I would rather study than have a job.

Then there's my little efforts to enlarge my general knowledge - 2 magazines every week, and books books books! Already mentioned 'I, Jan Cremer' but also 'Never marry a woman with big feet - sayings and one-liners about women all over the world - sometimes amusing but mostly very cruel and degrading. Not easy to read for Bc who, after all, was a feminist avant la lettre.

And there's always my mind making strange associations - and of course my bedtime story - I'm not sure but I think you'll be amused (well I hope so).

If I had known you were here... well you know you're always welcome and I would have made time for chit chat. Then again, hide and seek is also fun.

Thought you knew me? Jen,I don't even know myself. Besides it's for you to peel off layers one by one. Me multi-covered Banana, you Jen.
BTW we're not hurting anyone with our platonic fling, are we?

Bet you're still in Dreamland - I'll be watching over you - Bc has angelic ambitions you know - I'll be your soulguard.

It's always an hour later over here, remember!

OK, it's 5:51 but I don't sleep too well.
Better make some nice hot coffee.

My tiny tinkerbell, I love our little dialogues!
Take care Twinings' Tea-bag.

smiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - blush Bc smiley - run

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