This is the Message Centre for U643499

Hi Jen, how YOU dooin'?

Post 1


Hi JYY smiley - biggrin

Haven't heard from you in a while - thought I'd start a new post.

It's difficult to keep up with everyone's location on the web these days. Did you know there's a new unofficial Radio 2 forum at:

...moderated by Nick & Scott! Most of the members have photos next to them - Scott looks like my younger cousin (if my younger cousin was less thin & more grumpy!)

Started reading the literary 1950s courtroom drama 'Snow Falling On Cedars' because FBN was reading it for her book group. WAS reading - now just dipping into it, I think! I'll see how it goes. There are a lot of 10 or 15 page flashbacks & reminiscences throughout the book, which seem to have bored all the John Grisham fans who read the book, if the Amazon reader reviews are true.

Almost library closing time (4pm) - will type more next week.

smiley - run

smiley - sheepsmiley - lovesmiley - smooch

Hi Jen, how YOU dooin'?

Post 2


Hey, Joey ! Estelle here. (She died didn't she)

Still have another of your messages to reply to, and I will get round to it hopefully later tonight.

Have you ever heard of a book called 'The Great Cham' ? I read it many years ago and it was so very funny. All about a deranged headmaster and school teacher in an all boys school.

I have looked on Google but can find no details re the author. Help !!!




Hi Jen, how YOU dooin'?

Post 3


Hi Estelle smiley - ghost!!

So you recognised my impression then ...

Hadn't heard of The Great Cham myself, but I found it on Amazon:

UK Amazon spells the author's name as "Micheal Baldwin" (note: EAL)

American Amazon site spells the author's name as "Michael Baldwin" which seems to be the correct spelling.

Both of those websites say the book is out of print - maybe you could look on Google for out-of-print book dealers, they have all sorts of strange stuff in stock.

Joey smiley - burgersmiley - hotdog

Hi Jen, how YOU dooin'?

Post 4


Hi Rich.

Love the ghost and food items. Thank you very much for finding the author. I may enquire at my local library.

It's many a year since I read The Great Cham. But it was so very funny.

Estellesmiley - sadface (Cos she's 'gone before')

PS Clearly I haven't got the hang of the Smileys

Oprah made me do it...

Post 5


Hi JYY smiley - biggrin

Hope you & yours are well and taking it easy during the (brief) sunny spells.

Lots been happenin' on the web since we last spoke.

I've joined Nick's message boards ( as "Ernesto The Bull". Haven't used the boards much for general conversation, but I have sent a few private messages to a few certain people, showing them a picture of a certain library. Are you joining Nick's site?

Also, I decided to register on last week, and sign up for Oprah's Book Club (it's free). This summer's assignment - read "Anna Karenina" along with Oprah - all 817 pages of it!

According to Oprah's marathon-style reading program, the book should only take nine or ten pages a night, starting in early June and ending just before the start of the new American series of Oprah in early September. Of course, I have joined in late July, so I am 400 pages behind the whole of America! Fortunately, I can't read books that way, a few pages a night for month after month (although my old college room-mate has used that method to tackle various huge history books).

I prefer to read the whole book as fast as possible - maybe not the best method for truly understanding what I've read.

So, I'm going to compromise. I'll read fairly slowly (for me) up to Oprah's target page for week-ending 30th July, which is the end of Part 5 in the novel. Then I'll read the last three parts along with Oprah.

If you look at Oprah's Book Club on, you'll see that the support material for the book is excellent, including questions from readers, questions TO readers, author biography, pronunciation guide and a handy relationships map.

So, that's what I'm doing this Summer - how about you?

smiley - love

Rich smiley - hotdogsmiley - smooch

Excellent butt, great rack...

Post 6


It's Friday 30th July 2004

smiley - cakesmiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - bubblysmiley - cake

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Lisa Kudrow (41 today)
Happy birthday to youuuu...

Have a Hot Yemenite Wrap to celebrate!

smiley - sheepsmiley - smooch

Excellent butt, great rack...

Post 7


Hi Rich !!

What a long time I have let go by without speaking to you. But time just seems to fly these days and I am really busy. I made myself a list today of things to do this morning, and one was to reply to you.

Did you see that Lisa Kudrow is making a film with Steve Coogan ? I think it's about 2 gay guys who want a baby and Lisa Kudrow may be the baby carrier. Now where have I heard that story line before ?????

Whey hey, I read a whole book in 2 days. The Lovely Bones. I did enjoy it. Wonder what her second book is like. Have you any ideas, Rich.
No, not joined any more message boards; have enough trouble keeping up with the 2 I have. I could pop over to see what you have been saying though, and see your photograph.
What's happened to the weather today ? It's great and windy here. This is a very bad thing because it means I shall have to do some work. Dammit.
Good for you and your Oprah reading group. Whether you digest any book at all by galloping full tilt through the pages is a matter of opinion. I'm a galloper !

See you soon,

Jen xx
smiley - smiley


Post 8


smiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss!!!

Just saw your name on H2G2, hope you're still online.

Weather cloudy outside but smiley - biggrin in the library now!

Have you been on hols? Or maybe people visiting you?

Afraid my library photo is only available on "Private Messages" to Nick B. members - and people who know my e-mail address (hint).

smiley - love

smiley - sheepsmiley - smooch


Post 9


One of those mornings - puter froze up just as I was saying...

"Lucky" by Alice Sebold is the story of her real-life rape when she was a student.

Still haven't started Lovely Bones, currently reading Jekyll & Hyde collection, as it is going to be a "major ITV drama" this Autumn, starring John Hannah.

Finally reached the end of "Kingdom Hospital" last night on BBC3. Surprise, surprise, the elusive hospital caretaker Johnny B. Goode turned out to be played by Stephen King himself. And he also played the sleazy lawyer in the advert that Johnny was watching on TV....

smiley - smooch Rich xx


Post 10


You are being very friendly with all those hugs and kisses. My, a girl could get her head turned.

I've just reread my earlier message. I type as I read - fast and a bit loose. I meant to say it was a grey day, not great.

Yuk, I don't fancy her book about rape.

I love John Hannah. Did you ever see him as Insp Rebus in an Ian Rankin story ? I have the book here, but can't remember the title.

I also liked him in the film 'Sliding Doors' and of course the 4 weddings.....

Holiday last week was lovely. But back to normal now. Still trying to keep the suntan, which I will do through fair means or foul throughout the summer. And, no, I am not orange !!

Take care, ciao,

Are they, like, scary little?

Post 11


Hi Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - kiss

Last night, I started listening to R4's drama of "Little Women" - so I hope I don't have to hide the radio in the fridge! Part 2 is this morning 10.45am, repeated 7.45pm, and no doubt on Radio 4's listen again.

Two phonecalls last night - Aylesbury sister back from hols in the French Alps (she saw the Alpe d'Huez stage of the Tour de France) - also Lincolnshire sister who hasn't rung for a couple of weeks. So my mum was pleased.

Pumpkins growing well at the moment. I've got five or six orange flowers out on the plant, and they're all crawling with those hover-flies that seem to be about this year.

Just finished the Jekyll & Hyde collection, excellent value at £3.99. The vampire story "Olalla" was hard-going but an essential read, because it seems to have inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula (e.g. the scene where the narrator cuts himself).

The editor's notes were very interesting - references to Jack the Ripper, Oscar Wilde & Victorian psychology - I'll have to get his version of "The Picture of Dorian Gray" sometime.

If you'd like my e-mail address & have the time & inclination, perhaps we could swap via smiley - zoom or smiley - fish? There will be a photo of the library in it for you!

smiley - love

smiley - sheepsmiley - smooch

Are they, like, scary little?

Post 12


Evening Rich !

Just arrived home and having a bottle of grolsch. Ice cold heaven.

I don't have anyone's e mail address. As Becky says, I am 'a bit of a close one' Secret squirrel more like. PP knows what I am like. So, however tempting your offer of the photo is, I will have to pass. Maybe one day I will feel adventurous enough to trade.

Next to The Secret 7 and Famous 5 books, my next favourites as a child were Little Women and then Jo's Boys. But then, my favourite film is It's A Wonderful Life. Oh, and Zulu.

No news, red hot here. The CB is shut tonight, there is nobody about. Perhaps they are all out drinking cocktails in the garden.

I thought it was just me with the hover flies. I've got about 6 sweet peas in flower, tons of pots and some dodgy hanging baskets.

Tomorrow I am out almost all day, so hope the weather is still kind. Your mum will be pleased to have yours sisters calling on the same evening. Was your sister on a walking holiday in France ?

How's the Oprah book group going ? I have two books out now from the library, but haven't started either of them.
It will be night classes again in September. Do you ever fancy anything ? Over the years I've done everything from pottery to tennis. This year I may decide to learn another language. But, the classes are so expensive ! And a lot of money to lose if one drops out of the course.

Have a good today tomorrow, Rich, take care,

Love and smiley - hug

Jen trying to stay smiley - cool

Another good day?

Post 13


Hi Jen smiley - lovely to hear from you!

Sister was on the usual camping & driving holiday - one day the family decided to drive around the mountains - 100 miles in one day! Kids did a lot of cycling & swimming. Sister & brother-in-law saw all the Tour de France cyclists during the Alpe d'Huez stage.

Yesterday I finished a couple of library books which have been hanging around for a while. Have you read "Lucia, Lucia" by Adriana Trigiani? Kind of a 1950s version of "Sex and the City" but with an Italian-American family, hence not much of the sex or swearing!

Took the books back to the library, and found a brand new copy of Lance Armstrong's latest biography about his Tour de France victories, also a brand new copy of "The Importance of Being Ernest/Lady Windemere's Fan", which will please my oldest niece.

Session about to run out on the terminal.

If you're Secret Squirrel, can I be Morocco Mole?!

smiley - smoochsmiley - sheep

Another good day?

Post 14


Quick log-back-on, to add...

I usually try to do my adult education through BBC language tapes. But I only ever get as far as chapter 4, "Asking Directions"! And currently my tape player & Walkman both sound terrible. Need to clean them, or probably replace them, or upgrade to CDs!

I fancy learning "World Spanish" as there's a prediction that the USA will be 50% Hispanic in a few decades.

Also would like to learn Portuguese as it's an unusual language.... and there are several Brazilian lingerie models I fancy!

Off to the bi-monthly book sale in the town centre church. Maybe pick up a few bargains, as most of the hardbacks are only a fiver there.

smiley - sheepsmiley - kiss

P.S. I saved you a Hot Yemenite Wrap from last month, there you go...

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