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Pot Schott

Post 1

Phillip Phlopp

Hey J

Have you got the Schott's? If so wanna play?

On Page 150 there is a collection of Mrs Beeton's kitchen maxims and you know what? All of life's questions are answered there.


What you have to do is post one of Mrs B's quotes that is most relevant to Dalek's question (or another poster). If it isn't modded it is one point, any confused responses from other posters half-a-point each.


No using other screen names to boost half-a-pointers.


Your choice of page from Schott's if i) it looks like we are being sussed ii) cooking get's boring.


It's my idea so I go first


Just had a thought - if you ain't got the Schott's Miscellany you won't have a clue what I am on about. No change there.

Pot Schott

Post 2


I've got the Schotts. P150. You go first. Own name. Jeremy's Board. My choice may have to be a compilation of p20 and 36. Nah ! Only joking. Probably get no further than the Khyber Pass.

Only one big problem...I have having a friend for lunch, with a lot of chianti, so it may be odd if I keep disappearing. But, I will do my best. Good luck !

PPS Do points mean prizes ?

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