This is the Message Centre for U643499
Hello JYY
Researcher U634370 Started conversation Mar 22, 2004
Saw you were online between meals!!? I'm just killing time before C Street mustn't miss that things are really hotting up!! You have to . Then we will probably play scrabble.
Lots of
Hello JYY
U643499 Posted Mar 22, 2004
Evening Becky.
I really like scrabble ! And we like to play cards, though nothing fantastic like bridge.
See you are working on your page here. Wasn't it good to see the CB up and running nearly all day.
PS Hope you and family are keeping well
Hello JYY
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 23, 2004
Hi Jen
Thanks family are fine (touch wood)
Enjoy your lunch and game with PP will have a look later when I return from work.
If you see Rich say Hi to him for me, missed him yesterday.
Bye for now.
Lots of
Hello JYY
U643499 Posted Mar 23, 2004
Honestly ! Just can't get away with anything. If I see Rich I'll say hello and give him a - can't find kiss - from you.
Have a good day now.
Hello JYY
Rich_Dee Posted Mar 23, 2004
Hurrah! Success!
One, I repeat ONE, actual chili pepper shoot on my windowsill at last!
Bob Flowerdew's eighteen-inch plait
Hello JYY
U643499 Posted Mar 23, 2004
Congratulations. That's exciting news !
Little Weed
PS BDS sends you kisses.
PPS I did tell you about my hyacinths didn't I ? Pink, white and blue dotted here and there.....
Hello JYY
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 24, 2004
I passing through Rich with a on my head just got out of the shower. Came to give you a
in person then I shall be off to work.
So here goes and one for luck
Lots of
Hello JYY
Rich_Dee Posted Mar 24, 2004
to you & BDG
(Didn't know if BDG was referring to me or another Rich in msg above, as I'm still a relative newbie).
I see you had some fun yesterday on the JV board
Who won - you or PP or didn't you keep score?
If you look on the JV board now, you will see my oh-so-attractive depiction of modern-day Suffolk...
Hello JYY
Rich_Dee Posted Mar 24, 2004
Hope you'll find time to listen to JV's "The Shadow Minister Live" today.
It's our very own MP for South Suffolk, trendy Tim Yeo!
Hello JYY
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 24, 2004
Hi Rich
I only know one Rich so it was definately for you .
Will try and listen out for JV and Tim Yeo, we have the radio on at work.
Must have a good day everyone.
Hello JYY
U643499 Posted Mar 24, 2004
Morning Rich !
BDG is blowing kisses for you ! Yes, it was fun yesterday. Familiar Friend blamed me totally when really PP was the Svengali figure !
PP says we, and that includes PG, all got half a point each. I'm sure he's right.
Do you have a Schott's Original Miscellany in your library ?
Saw your message on pronunciation and also your 'charming' description of Suffolk. Sounds like most counties these days.
Speak soon
Hello JYY
Rich_Dee Posted Mar 24, 2004
Haven't looked for that book in the library reference shelves (the entire multi-volume Britannica & OED are to my right as I type this).
My older sister has Schotts, but I have something much better...
...a handy 1903 volume of the unintentionally hilarious "Things Everyone Wants To Know", complete with lethal-sounding kitchen remedies.
Also have "Enquire Within Upon Everything" which is sadly much more sensible.
Hello JYY
U643499 Posted Mar 24, 2004
Well, I'll look for your one liners today on JV shall I ???!!
I am out in less than half an hour. I have just had words with a furniture store and asked them to call me right back as this was the 4th time I had phoned and I am sick of being put on hold.
Needless to say, they haven't phoned !
Ah such is life. No wonder there's a lot of stress about.
Hello JYY
Pond Girl Posted Mar 24, 2004
Morning Rich
Congratulations on the peppers .
I haven't told you how much I enjoyed 'Once upon a time in Mexico', it was absolutely brilliant, stupid fun! We have forgotten what the strange spice was in the pork receipe, I don't suppose you can remember what it was?
Hello JYY
Rich_Dee Posted Mar 25, 2004
PG - see your message centre (or Teletext page ???) for recipe details.
JYY - My amazing digital TV should be back from the retailer's service dept today:
A truly astonishing electrical appliance, my ten-week-old Freeview TV apparently REPAIRED ITSELF in the 2 week period between it breaking down completely & it being looked at by an engineer.
(i.e. after a two week wait, engineer switches on TV, pic comes on okay, engineer scratches crotch & says "Nothin' wrong with THAT...")
Not to leave out BDG - from me!
Hello JYY
U643499 Posted Mar 25, 2004
Hi Rich Dee.
Sorry not to reply sooner. How embarrassing with the TV
I remember years ago we had a new bathroom fitted. Bath, shower, sink, WC and a BIDET (we had delusions of grandeur in those days)
The instructions for cleaning purposes wERE not to use an abrasive cleaner on the bath because unlike the rest of the units, it was not porcelain. So I think I just used to wipe it with Fairy liquid or something. After a couple of weeks I noticed this sort of coating on the bath. I called the manufacturer who sent out a rep. Imagine my shame when he said, 'I should try cleaning a little harder madame'
Anyway, after that boring little story, I'll get me coat.
Hello JYY
Rich_Dee Posted Mar 26, 2004
Hi JYY, loved the jokes!
Can't stay long - farmers' market today & the special is a Hot Yemenite Wrap for £2.80. (Who will be the hot Yemenite, though?!)
TV was returned at midday yesterday - and then, 3 mins after the deliverymen left (suspiciously similar to Peter Kay & Declan Donnelly...), the TV developed a different software fault leading to the same breakdown after 30 minutes.
So, the brand new replacement TV is coming next Tuesday, 11 weeks after the original was bought, and three weeks after the original first broke down.
Hello JYY
U643499 Posted Mar 26, 2004
Hi Rich. Yes, the jokes made me laugh, and I'd not heard either of them before.
I hope you enjoyed your hot Yemenite wrap. What on earth is a Yemenite wrap !
I'm sorry to hear that your television problems are still on going. It really is disgraceful isnt' it.
Is that Peter Kay the comedian who starred in Phoenix Nights and is currently doing the beer advert where he interupts Engelbert Humperdink ?
I love him !! (Peter that is, not Engel)
Have a good week end
Hello JYY
Rich_Dee Posted Mar 27, 2004
Yes, JYY, that was the very same Peter Kay you were thinking of.
Except this Peter-Kay-lookalike had a Suffolk accent (think Brian Cant from Play School) and two aching legs which he complained about constantly!
The main problem, I feel, was that the deliverymen didn't have a say in whether the TV had gone wrong. The first time they took it to the repair shop, they could see it wasn't working:
'No Signal' message on Digital (after us having a clear digital image for 8 weeks); then when the TV was switched to terrestrial, the picture flashed up for half-a-second then went blank; then when the DVD player was switched on, the TV gave sound but no picture.
Then when the workbench engineer got around to looking at it 2 weeks later, no fault whatsoever.
Hope it's just a problem with that one TV set, and not a general fault.
On the subject of the Hot Yemenite Wrap, I was hoping it would be the type of scantily-clad Middle Eastern fashion model you see on Western travel adverts, but actually it was just spicy mince in a pancake!
Hello JYY
U643499 Posted Mar 28, 2004
Evening Rich.
How disappointing aout your Yemmenite wrap. Perhaps you could sue under the trades description act. I suppose it was a bit like a pig in a blanket.
We have a new telly ! It's big, and grey with a flat screen and does everything. What a shame we can't understand how to work it.
We have phoned John Lewis's three times now.
Brian Cant from Play School ! A blast from the past there. I preferred big and little teds to Brian. Wonder what he's doing now.
I've looked on the internet to see if Peter Kay is appearing anywhere near me, but nothing so far.
Saw you were around on the R2 boards today. By, that's a good library you go to. No news.
Danced on friday, shopped and had a Chinese on Saturday, walked along the sea front today and had the family descend on us for tea !
Worn out. Speak tomorrow,
Key: Complain about this post
Hello JYY
- 1: Researcher U634370 (Mar 22, 2004)
- 2: U643499 (Mar 22, 2004)
- 3: Researcher U634370 (Mar 23, 2004)
- 4: U643499 (Mar 23, 2004)
- 5: Rich_Dee (Mar 23, 2004)
- 6: U643499 (Mar 23, 2004)
- 7: Researcher U634370 (Mar 24, 2004)
- 8: Rich_Dee (Mar 24, 2004)
- 9: Rich_Dee (Mar 24, 2004)
- 10: Researcher U634370 (Mar 24, 2004)
- 11: U643499 (Mar 24, 2004)
- 12: Rich_Dee (Mar 24, 2004)
- 13: U643499 (Mar 24, 2004)
- 14: Pond Girl (Mar 24, 2004)
- 15: Rich_Dee (Mar 25, 2004)
- 16: U643499 (Mar 25, 2004)
- 17: Rich_Dee (Mar 26, 2004)
- 18: U643499 (Mar 26, 2004)
- 19: Rich_Dee (Mar 27, 2004)
- 20: U643499 (Mar 28, 2004)
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