This is the Message Centre for U643499

Me me me

Post 1


It's me, Jennifer Yorke Yorke from the Radio 2 message board. I only joined today and am confused. No change there.

I am escaping from the R2 Boards because they have become up close and personally nasty of late. And hey, life's too short to be unpleasant. Especially to people we don't know at all.

I don't know if this message will appear on my home page. Got 2 chances.

Would love to hear from my cyber friends from Jeremy Vine and Coffee Bar,



Me me me

Post 2


Hi Jen, no idea when you actually posted this message but hey who cares? I think i have spoken to you before now so you know that i am VC over there but i agree with you about it all getting personal. I have tried to stop posting but sometimes i can't stop myself then i regret it immediately. Never mind, this place seems a lot nicer and i have had so many smiley - bubbly that i really don't care anymore.

Where is Postie Phils pub again?

Me me me

Post 3


It's the morning of Monday 8th March 8.55 am. I have no idea what time any of these messages are.

Is Postie Phil evan_elpuss ? That's what he said on his thread. But, I just don't know how to access him.

This is day 2 and I just have to get out !!


Me me me

Post 4


Help anybod y

Me me me

Post 5

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya jenny smiley - smiley

Me me me

Post 6


And hiya to you too !!

I have you on my list of friends, but I don't think we've been formally introduced.

Jensmiley - ale

Me me me

Post 7

Electric Dreams

formally introduced smiley - smiley what on h2g2
Yes you seem to have the advantage,
you asked for some help, anything I can help with.
smiley - smiley

Me me me

Post 8


Nothing just yet thank you. So much advice, too little time.

Night night


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