This is the Message Centre for uffdamaida

Life's Lesson's

Post 41


Yeah Unfortuneatley there is no clear deffinite answer to do things...we took land away from the Indidans...especially the black hills of SD where gold was found so I understand giving money to is an unfortunate thing that over the generations things would get better between all cultures...some have gotten worse. Gang bangers, Cults, Killings for drugs and so on. You get my drift. Have the time it shouldn't be the politicians making the decions because alot of them in our country get paid by diff. lobbyists to vote a certain way...kinda like communism. Ok forget I said it was that bad. Have a nice day. and u can have ur dang wind back. Pretty vindy here...gonna blame all my weather on u...j/k. Peace. Uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

Life's Lesson's

Post 42

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Geez no, we don't want any winds. I'm just hoping the rains will hold off for a few more hours. Tonight I take milady to dinner and a live theatre in a little town near us. Well, about 25 miles, which isn't that far. smiley - biggrin

Life's Lesson's

Post 43


Did u have a goot nite w/ milady? U sent me more ugly weather...was icy again this morn...the Norsk God is mad at someone...yikes. Wind blowing right thru ya. I am dressed pretty warm but tis damp outside so feeling chilly. Am waiting for my docs office to call to see if the antibiotics helped my white counts. Catch u running around...just plllllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzz keep ur clothes on eh? Peacesmiley - smiley uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

Life's Lesson's

Post 44

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh yes, the evening out was really quite nice. A buffet supper that is always a very good quality and price. And then great laughs at a silly interpretation of "Pinocchio". It was late'ish by the time we got home, but it was such fun.

M'dear, you're going to have to look at my cousins that are much further west ... They seem to be the source of the winds and the wetness. smiley - laugh

And I wish you good news from your medical experts.

Life's Lesson's

Post 45


Glad u had for me haven't heard anything yet but have a busy docsmiley - winkeye...Better get my posting done and put warmer clothes on...starting to get really chillysmiley - smiley

Life's Lesson's

Post 46

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

It may be the season to get serious about the home heat settings. We've switched the central unit from air conditioning to heating quite some time ago now.


Post 47


Mother Nature doesn't want to make up his/her mind...Tis another vindy day here w/o SUN....blah blah blah days get me down...uffda. My lil guy doen't have school today but he is hackin up a storm...deep cough. My counts r better(not as serious)but still lower than normal so you see why I tell my hubby I am not NORMAL...hehe. Have a nice daysmiley - smiley uffdamaida


Post 48

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I almost defy you to define normal. smiley - laugh Atleast around this site. smiley - rofl

We have very dark skies, with just an occassional peeking-out by the sun. And the temps are climbing to 10C (50F). Very weird for mid-December.

Ya know, a good natural expectorant is garlic? It also happens to be something I quite like. Does your son, perhaps, also like it?


Post 49


Not the greatest...didn't know real mom would make me this awful cough syrup her grandma(from Kansas)would would cook onion and sugar together to make a syrup...I still cringe. I know my grandparents took a garlic pill to stay healthy though. Yea Normal is different to everyone...There is no true test for normal. Was reading in a Ladies home Journal magazine that Mulit-tasking is actually bad for the either don't accomplish it like you should or you forget to do something like take ur child out of the bath tubsmiley - sadface...I suck at it so now I don't feel so bad...Later aight...send some sun would ya. Uffdamaida

* sends small doses of sunshine *

Post 50

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oy, that cough syrop sounds horrid. I know that my parents and grands made some terrifying cures for this and that. "From the old country", ya know.

I can 'multi-task' fairly well, up to perhaps 3 jobs at a time. Thinking processes are different though, ... I've sometimes had as many as 5 problems going through the noggin at a time. And resolved them all. Just a weird, analytical quirk of myself, I suppose.

Do try to find some fun or enjoyment today, good Lady. smiley - smiley

* sends small doses of sunshine *

Post 51


Going to go have coffee w/ a friend of mine...although my lil guy is coughing some ...needs a lil fresh air...just keep him drugged...j/k. Will try to have a good day...I just know I funcition better w/ sun than w/o. It is also proven that Men and woman think different...and that is shocking. Not to me. My hubby is black/white usually where I am more analytical/think w/ emotions
Iffin u want to see this ...go to
Better get in the shower so I can be off for coffee...Catch u laterz. Peace. Uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

* sends small doses of sunshine *

Post 52

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I've seen some studies that suggest that "most women" think one way, and "most men" another. And there is the important word, ... 'most'. No two are cut from exactly the same mold, eh?

Enjoy your social time, and perhaps I'll see you about somewhere over the week-end. smiley - cheers

* sends small doses of sunshine *

Post 53


God/Creator should've gave an owners manual for Children and dealing w/ppl of the opposite sex. Guess that is why he created Counselors/Psychologists eh? Another gloomy day in paradise. Yesterday was the opposite. Windy and sunny. Well have a nice day. Uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

* sends small doses of sunshine *

Post 54

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Excuse me? Are you another one of those people who 'misplaced' the "How To Deal With ... " guide? *sighs*

Check with Amazon dot where-ever ... The great publishers have lots of used editions, ... smiley - rofl

Or, you can go with a blend of personal experience, the old wives tales, the experiences of friends, neighbors and cousins, ... And a HUGE wheel-barrow full of simple common sense and good luck. smiley - laugh

* sends small doses of sunshine *

Post 55


Men think w/ ya know what...woman think w/ our hearts/emotionssmiley - smiley

* sends small doses of sunshine *

Post 56

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I just had this chat with another Lady recently. Indeed, a lot of studies show that "most" men process one way, and "most" women another. But ya know? Other studies have shown that we are all androgynous that first month or two of gestation. So in fact, we all have some measure of each sex within us, the same horomones, just in different balances. By nature, I am a ridiculously logical chapo, who has always had an affinity for maths and sciences. That's helped to make me a pretty good electronics and computer guy ... to service and repair them.

And yet, 99% of the times that I have found myself in trouble, it's because I always lead with my heart and emotion, ... "gut feeling" before the common-sense bit surfaces. It's left me in some bad spots, and cost me some friends. But hey, it IS who I am. smiley - smiley

* sends small doses of sunshine *

Post 57


I was always told, "IF you don't have anything nice to say, Don't say it all." Unfortunately doesn't always go w/ ur mate when your peeved. Because I grew up w/ my dad, I don't have the nurturing instinct many girls get growing fact after 7yrs old, I hated barbie dolls. Was more of a tomboy too a point. I guess things r for a reason eh? Like the pecking order thing. Have a good day. Hope I made some sense. Peace. Uffdamdaiasmiley - smiley

* sends small doses of sunshine *

Post 58

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

You've made a couple of good points. smiley - smiley

AQnd I guess that I wasn't clear when I said that emotions get me in trouble. It's not from anger or ill-will, it's from being too soft and trusting too often, and too quickly. Still, it's mistakes that I will continue to make. Preferring that over cynicism and distrust, eh?

Happy New Year

Post 59


I'm back. I hope you had a goot Christmas and New Year! Spent Christmas w/ my hubbies mom and New Years was spent as a late Chritmas w/ my parents on the other side of the state. On the way home took a longer way home as my best freinds step-dad passed on on the 28th of Dec. He was only 59 and died of a massive strokesmiley - sadface. My freinds mom was like a mom to me growing up like my aunt was. I couldn't go to the funeral today as the kids r back in school and we got a foot of snow over the weekend...argh! I want it to go thanks for the snow! Have a nice day and hope your New Year is goot. Uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

Happy New Year

Post 60

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Our Christmas and New Year went very nicely. Loads of social time with friends, no travels to any family, ... and mountains of food. smiley - drool I'm pleased to hear that yours was mostly a very pleasant time.

And PLEASE, do not send that snow here. I'm quite happy to get on without any yet. smiley - laugh

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