This is the Message Centre for Geordie Girl

bad news

Post 1


Hello Helen,

Just a very quick note to say I have had some very bad health news and I won't be around for a while.

Take care, Best wishes to all my other lovely cyber friends,



bad news

Post 2

Geordie Girl

Dear Jen

I'm sorry to hear of your news, don't forget if you want to get in touch, PG has my email.

I'll miss your cheery messages, so look after yourself. I'll be thinking of you!

Take care and lots of love.



bad news

Post 3

Phillip Phlopp

J Yo-Yo

I look forward to a speedy return of your one-liners guaranteed to prick my pomposity!

Phlopp Carnival is on hold until your return

Take care

PP, Dimitri, Pepe, much more mellow Mellors and all the other voices in m' heed.

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