This is the Message Centre for evan_elpuss

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Post 1

Geordie Girl

Hi Phil

Was just wondering if you have read the reply from the Host on the JW board re the reason for the post numbers going up and down? It still soesn't make any sense to me. I thought I had it figured to their way of thinking but I know that I have not made 1700 postings in the last 60 days which is the way I have interpreted their reasoning.

What do you think?

See you in the CB later perhaps?


Number of postings on the message board

Post 2


Hello Helen,

I sort of understand it, but It certainly doesn't explain how BDG managed to get three postings numbered 666 in one thread (see 'Calling Belly Dancing Goldfish' on Coffee Bar board) How on earth did that happen and would I understand it if they did try and explain it away?!!

Lord Evan Elpuss

Number of postings on the message board

Post 3

Geordie Girl

Phil I sort of did as well to begin with, but as I read it if the numbers represent the postings for 60days. I know that I haven't done that many in that short space of time.

Actually as I type this they may be right! Funny how you understand things better when you write them down! I'll go back and read it and see if the penny has finally dropped.

Will get back to you later.


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