This is the Message Centre for evan_elpuss

Your Guest Book

Post 1

moved to new address

Dear Evan,

At the moment I fear your messages will come to me because your Guestbook has my number in it. Easy to rectify.

Go to your page and create a new message. Call it My Messages, or My Guestbook. Go back to your page. Go back into the message you just made. At the top of your screen will be an address that looks a bit like this:

Make a note of the last seven numbers. That is the reference for your message box.

Send the numbers to me and I will change for you.

Sorry about that but I'm learning, too. smiley - blush

Your Guest Book

Post 2


Hello Mustard,
5016357. Hope that's the number you're after.
Lord Evan Elpuss

Your Guest Book

Post 3

moved to new address

All donesmiley - biggrin

Your Guest Book

Post 4


Thanks for that Mustard (You certainly are!)
Why not pop in for a drink! smiley - cheers
smiley - bubbly This is for you.
Kind Regards
Lord Evan Elpuss

Your Guest Book

Post 5


smiley - erm Just one thing, How do I now get to it? What do I type in?
Lord Evan Elpuss

Your Guest Book

Post 6

moved to new address

Just went to your place to send you a message. Noticed that you have lost the page I made for you. What are you like? Give me a bit of time and I'll sort it out. Trying to cook dinner, help with homework, get school uniforms ready - usual Sunday stuff.

Trust me - I will help.

Famous last words!

Go and see Togwartdaz - he needs a smiley - ale and a mate right now:U640629

See you soon.

Corrie smiley - earth

Your Guest Book

Post 7

moved to new address

Dear Evan,

You know the stuff I made for you earlier. If you still want that (for now and to amend at your leisure) then this is what to do.

1. Copy the stuff below from to
2. Go to your 'Personal Space'
3. Press edit page
4. Delete everything on it
5. Copy all of the stuff below on to your page, by pressing 'paste'
6. Make sure you set the page to 'preview in Brunel' and change from 'plain text' to 'GuideML'
7. Press 'update introduction'

I hope this helps.

smiley - love Corrie

This is what to 'COPY':

Hello...... ....Welcome

My main interest is aviation, which I have followed since childhood.

I Like 'real ale' and make up my own beer kits, too.
hic<SMILEY TYPE="ale"/>

I like pop music, mainly late 1960's - early 1980's but I'm not above enjoying some stuff from more recent times!

I have had a fascination with the weather since childhood after watching a schools TV programme about it.

Write here....

Your Guest Book

Post 8


I think it's happened at last. Why not pop in for a smiley - bubbly or two, or three or smiley - erm!!!
Thanks for your help smiley - cheers
Lord Evan Elpuss

Your Guest Book

Post 9

moved to new address

Happy to have helped your h2g2 experience more enjoyable.

A glass of smiley - redwine is called forsmiley - biggrin

smiley - love

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