This is the Message Centre for evan_elpuss

Hiya Evan

Post 1


Oh- those daring young men in their flying machines....smiley - biggrin

Something very sexy about pilots, I think.
My part-time Cornish lover was trained to be a pilot, wanted to make flying his career but his wife wanted him at home. Sad, isn't it?

So, that's why you're the man with the bottle-opener. All that Real Ale. O.K. then? What have you got that is special to-night?

What have you got in your demi-johns (isn't that what the're called?)

Let's have another one.....before you're leavingggggsmiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - cheers

smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

FBN smiley - zoom

Hiya Evan

Post 2

Researcher U634370

What you loike! In there as quick as a flash!!! You can certainly smiley - zoom about grab the first man than comes in eh?

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Hiya Evan

Post 3


Hello FBN,

Well what would you like? You can have smiley - bubbly or smiley - ale

Demi John's are usually used when the wine is fermenting. Can be used with beer too.

smiley - erm How can you have a flying career & stay at home? The two just aren't compatible that I can see! If he's got a flying Career I can't see him being at home much!

Kind regards

Lord Evan Elpuss

Hiya Evan

Post 4


Well Hello BDG.

Jennifer Y Y was asking about you earlier. Did she find you?

Hope she liked my humble boozer and will come here again.

smiley - bubbly?

Kind Regards

Lord Evan Elpuss

Hiya Evan

Post 5


Hallo darling,

No, he would have LIKED a flying career but when he married, his wife wanted him at home.

Right, if you've got nothing in those demi-johns (why do I think that's so funny?????) I shall make do with a<red wine).

smiley - smooch

FBN smiley - zoom

Hiya Evan

Post 6


Yeah well, you can't afford to hang about, can you?
There's not many men around as far as I can see.smiley - winkeye

Hen parties every night. Not that I'm complaining. Seems to me I've got to get the chip-pan out again.

On the other hand, maybe it's a bit late, perhaps a few smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly will make me sleep better.

Cheers smiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

FBN smiley - zoom

Hiya Evan

Post 7


Hello FBN,
Did you you enjoy the Red wine and have a good night's sleep?
What'll you have tonight?
Kind Regards
Lord Evan Elpuss

Hiya Evan

Post 8


Yes, I enjoyed the and had a lovely night's sleep. Forgot to turn the heating off and awoke thinking I had a fever.

Well, Evan, what would I like to-night... What's on offer?smiley - biggrin

Was thinking, you are going to be very popular when we have a party, as far as I can see you're the only man there.

I'm off to phone the plumber, be back to-night to see what you've got put away for me.smiley - winkeye

See you soon

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hiya Evan

Post 9

Researcher U634370

Hi smiley - zoom

Yes we are getting a bit desperate for a few friendly men. Are you going to Corrie's Cafe later smiley - zoom? She you there. smiley - biggrin

Lord Evan did you see Jen's suggestion about calling your pub Captain's Log? Have you been to Corrie's place yet?

See you all later.

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - hsif

Hiya Evan

Post 10


Hello BDG & FBN,

Where do I find Corrie's Cafe? I'll drop in there then.

'Captain's Log' sounds like a good name for it, perhaps 'Captain's Log Cabin'.

Kindest Regards
Lord Evan Elpuss

Hiya Evan

Post 11

Researcher U634370

Hi Lord Evan & FBN

Just take this LINK <./>A2401101</.> instructions from there threads at bottom of page.

See you there smiley - cheers

BD smiley - hsif

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