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What time does this Place Open then?

Post 1

Researcher U634370

Hi smiley - biggrin

Well done for putting something on your page!! smiley - applause I'm having a smiley - coffee and smiley - cake in the Sheperd's kitchen at the moment up the North End, Corrie is looking after the place for some him/her for the week!!

Back later for a smiley - stiffdrink check this guy out <./>U565352</.> this place is mind boggling!!!

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

What time does this Place Open then?

Post 2


Hello BDG,
I saw the Shepherd's Kitchen yesterday. Is that your page?

Is that link U565352 to do with you as well.

I'll pour you a drink if you like. smiley - bubbly

Kind regards


What time does this Place Open then?

Post 3

Researcher U634370

I wish (in my dreams!) but I think I'm getting the gist smiley - biggrin but there is a lot to learn!!!!

I think I need a smiley - stiffdrink Landlord.

smiley - fish

Ps have you seen the smiley - discosmiley - smiley

Must smiley - run C.Street and H.P wants to go on the computer!

What time does this Place Open then?

Post 4

Researcher U634370

Well I don't know waiting all this time for a smiley - stiffdrink? smiley - winkeye

What time does this Place Open then?

Post 5


Right, i followed you over here BDG so it's your fault if i get squiffy.
Been out to the pub this evening and had coq eu vin (sp), it was very nice and came with rosemary mash but no other veg (not right surely?). Kids were a bit miffed (as were we) cos they wanted the same but were offered chicken nuggets and the like, which i think is unfair. OK i will stop now cos it is a bug bear of mine, my kids like the same food as us but only in smaller portions so i get really pissed (sorry) off that they get offered inferior food. Phew rant over.

Sorry everyone, now what is the smiley - bubbly today?

What time does this Place Open then?

Post 6

Researcher U634370

Oh blame it on me! smiley - winkeye I'm off to smiley - zzz in a mo that's what I said last night! Phil's got to bed unless he's become a lurker you can get a logo for that on your page have you seen? What a lot to learn smiley - erm.

Still one more for the road smiley - bubblysmiley - cheers

What time does this Place Open then?

Post 7


I will tell the truth now i am actually drinking hot chocolate (the shame smiley - wah). Well if no one else is around i am off, sorry BDG. I really need to sit down down and look through this site properly, otherwise i will continue to look like a pratt.

Night night, Anna

What time does this Place Open then?

Post 8

Researcher U634370


I know the feeling! But it's just a question of everyone understanding I believe, it's a different smiley - planet and a different dimension. Quite exciting though!

Sweet dreams smiley - zzz


What time does this Place Open then?

Post 9


Hope you ladies had a good night's sleep smiley - sleepy

Lord Evan Elpuss

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