This is the Message Centre for evan_elpuss


Post 1


Is that you Jason?

I was given your name, but can't remember who you were in a previous life.

Hope it's you.smiley - smiley

You're not lonely, are you?If so, let's have a cuddle.smiley - hug


Catharina (akaFLYBYNIGHT)smiley - smooch


Post 2


Negative, tis I Postie Phil on R2 message boards, Will I do?

Hope you're not too disappointed!!

smiley - hug was lovely, smiley - smooch even better!

Kind Regards

Lord Evan Elpuss


Post 3


Hallo Phil,smiley - smiley

Just wrote a long reply to you and when I posted it, it disappears. Try again...

Yes, our names are very confusing, aren't they? But I'm glad that I've found you, feel I should hang on to you now.smiley - hug

Now I can't remember all the things I meant to say. Oh dear.
Oh yes, I said that now we don't have to go to bed at 10, we'll be even more bleary-eyed in the morning.smiley - cool

Never mind. Share a drink with me?smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

See you soon,

FBN (Catharina)smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 4


Morning FBN,
I think I need a few smiley - ale today as I've got to make a speech at my parent's Golden wedding lunch. I'm not looking forward to it! smiley - blush
I've put one together and my parents seem happy with it. That's the main thing.
Best Regards
Lord Evan Elpuss


Post 5


Hallo Milord,smiley - smiley

I expect by now it will be all over and you will be able to enjoy lots ofsmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly<bubbl

I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you t hought it would be and if your parents thought it was good, well, there you are then.
Wish I'd been there to hear it.

Hope you'll be able to call in later.
I understand Shell wants to have a party in the CB.smiley - cheerssmiley - cheers
See you later then.smiley - kiss

Catharina (FBN),smiley - zoom


Post 6

Researcher U634370


Found you! Are you there? Love the smiley - zoom it really suits you well done!!! I had every confidence in you smiley - applause it must be time to celebrate again smiley - bubbly and more smiley - bubbly.

Thanks for the lovely email you and Corrie have really brightened my day smiley - biggrin.

I don't think they are watching us as such but you can see who's on line and just click on them!!!

See you soon.

Lots of smiley - love

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - fish


Post 7


Hello FBN,
All over now. Went OK. They seemed to like it. PHEWW!!

Had a couple of smiley - ale and a few smiley - bubbly as well!
Kind Regards

Lord Evan Elpuss

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