This is the Message Centre for hendrixgal

Mistaken Identity

Post 1



Are you not Voodoo something?

I was just checking to see who was "Online" and saw your name. Went onto my "space" and looked under"friends" and you were not there.

Then looked at YOUR friends and saw"Initial FLYBYNIGHT". who is someone different to me.
Isn't that strange?

I remember, when I tried to sign on as FLYBYNIGHT they said someone else already had that name and I had to put "cheery" in front of it.

I'm quite baffled.

How are you, anyway?
Are you coming back to the CB now things have settled down again?
We're having a party Friday night. Do come.


smiley - zoom

Mistaken Identity

Post 2


Hi FBN, yes it is me VC. When i first joined H2G2 i added friends from BDG and i thought the other flybynight was you. I have started posting on R2 again now all the fighting has stopped but i don't get as much time as i used to.

Hopefully will speak soon, thanks for the message.

Annasmiley - biggrin

Mistaken Identity

Post 3


Hiya Anna,

Glad you are about again.
Yes, these boards do take up a lot of time.
Yes, the fighting has stopped, but somehow things haven't got back to normal yet. The last few days the CB has been almost dead.
Hope it will pick up again.
See you soon.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

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