This is the Message Centre for hendrixgal
The Weekend
hendrixgal Started conversation Mar 12, 2004
Well that's that then. The kids are gone to grannies till Sunday night so i think tomorrow i will have a look around this place properly and try to do something creative. Depending on what hubby has planned for tonight i may offline. If he decides he wants a
with the lads, i shall be joining you lovely ladies for some
. Hope that's OK. If i don't speak later, hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and love to you all.
The Weekend
Pond Girl Posted Mar 12, 2004
Hi Anna
I saw you joined me in giving the little 'tinker' in the CB a bit of a telling off. I hope we didn't upset her too much!
We are off to parents' evening shortly. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes! Lots of
after methinks.
Did you hear the last song played by Ken Bruce this morning? I thought of you!
The Weekend
twurlit_chuckle Posted Mar 12, 2004
Off to the pub in a mo...usually Friday night state of affairs around here!
Here's to a great weekend to you all - no doubt catch up at some stage!
Off to the CB to see what's occuring!
The Weekend
U643499 Posted Mar 12, 2004
Hi Ruth.
How are you. Been dancing with my friend, and to the pub for a couple of large spritzers.
Last night we went for an Italian and then to the wine bar. Hanging this morning.
Other half is in the pub now, and won't be back until about 11.45. Our local is quite relaxes about what time he throws everyone out !
Lock ins are frequent !!
PS Have a lovely weekend
The Weekend
U643499 Posted Mar 12, 2004
Hi Anna.
Lucky you to have such a lovely granny to take care of the kids. Make the most of it.
It's such a nuisance when you can't see what the other person has written isn't it.
Been dancing with my friend tonight, and then we went to one of the village pubs where I met another friend with her new bloke. Her two boys were with their gran, so they were having a good time and both on pints !!
Then she says how she's putting on weight ! My daughter tells me that vodka has the least number of calories. Such a pity I don't like it. Or rather it doesn't like me.
Have fun,
The Weekend
hendrixgal Posted Mar 13, 2004
Hi Jen, it's not my granny it's theirs (my Mum). They live a long way away from us so they have the kids for the weekend every fortnight. It used to be monthly but Mum decided she really couldn't cope if she didn't see them more often. I was quite happy to oblige (does that make me a bad mother?) and hubby and i get some great couple time together, unless is horrid boss makes him work away). This weekens has been great so far and my little darlings will be back tomorrow tea time
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and haveon me.
The Weekend
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 13, 2004
Jen my mistake you did have Corrie on your friends seeing again enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!!
The Weekend
U643499 Posted Mar 15, 2004
I think it does you and your husband good to have a break from the children and time for yourselves.
And the kids will enjoy seeing their granny and vice versa, so everybody's happy !
Glad you enjoyed your weekend, Anna. Hope the week ahead is fine too.
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The Weekend
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