This is the Message Centre for FLYBYNIGHT

'Een beetje verliefd'

Post 1


hey, you!

How are you these days?

Have you heard about the death of A. Hazes. Yesterday, I saw that documentary again, 'she believes in me'!
So sad!

Bc wishes Fly a very, very good evening and a good week!

smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - oksmiley - run

Bc smiley - wizard

'Een beetje verliefd'

Post 2


Hiya nougat

Was jij verliefd op A. Hazes? Nevere heard of her/him. Sorry.

How is your cold? Have you got Night Nurse to take to bed with you?

I'm O.K. thank you, except for a black eye. (Blauw oog).
Got up in the night and didn't want to open my eyes to go to the bathroom, I didn't want to wake up too much!. Walked into the side of the door.!!!
Baaaannngg! smiley - magicsmiley - magic Opened eyes WIDE, it was daylight.

It hurts!!!

smiley - zoomsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

'Een beetje verliefd'

Post 3


Poor Fly

Cold is growin worse smiley - wah
can't read
Sorry, it's nag nag nag smiley - laugh

Seeya later tulip
smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - ok

Bc smiley - wizard

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